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Main take-aways of the COP23 for Africa

Ways ahead and possible areas of cooperation with the international community at the UN and beyond

African climate change politicians and experts coming directly from COP23 in Bonn are participating in a KAS organized dialogue program at the United Nations.

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Hon. Cyprian Awudu Mbaya, Member of Parliament of the Republic of Cameroon and Executive President of the Pan African Parliamentarians Network on Climate Change (PAPNCC)

Rev. Prof. Aidan G. Msafiri, UN Climate Change Ambassador, Professor for Environmental Ethics and Sustainable Development at the Saint Augustine University of Tanzania (SAUT)

Prof. Joseph Armathe Amougou, Director of the National Observatory on Climate Change for the Republic of Cameroon

Prof. Dr. Oliver C. Ruppel, Director of the Climate Policy and Energy Security Program for Sub-Saharan Africa (CLESAP) of KAS and AR5 member of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

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United Nations HQ, Conference Room 11, 405 East 42nd Street, New York, NY, 10017, USA


  • Ambassador Christoph Heusgen
    • Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations

      Dr. Stefan Friedrich


      Head of the Department Sub-Saharan Africa +49 30 26996-3491

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