As part of a build-up and compact seminar, ten selected KAS fellows from a wide range of disciplines had the opportunity to meet with representatives of the United Nations, the EU Delegation to the United Nations, the German Mission and other New York-based organizations, and gain insights into the current challenges of the international world order.
Regarding the special role of the EU, the students had the opportunity to exchange views with the Secretary-General of the European Parliament, Klaus Welle, who has been in office since 2009, and Ms. Dörthe Wacker from the EU Delegation, which works specifically on human rights issues. In addition, Ms. Christiane Meier, as a correspondent at the ARD New York Studio, gave the group an insight into the work of her studio, which is also responsible for the United Nations. Germany's role at the United Nations, especially with regard to its non-permanent seat on the Security Council, was discussed during talks in the German House with Lieutenant Colonel Axel Jancke, Deputy Head of the Political Department, Ms. Pürschel and Deputy Consul General, Mr. Janik.
Another topic that the scholarship group dealt with during their visit was the reform agenda of the Secretary General. They gained interesting insights from Daniel Fortis of the International Peace Institute, Katrin Hett, a close adviser to the UN Secretary-General, and Viktor Casanova Abos from the Think Tank Security Council Report.
Ms. Adele Orosz from UNDP involved the students in a lively discussion on the Sustainable Development Goals that are to be achieved by 2030.
Furthermore, Ms. Pia Hussein of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and Mr. Thomas Markram, Director and Deputy High Representative for Disarmament Affairs in the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA), granted the KAS scholarship holders differentiated insights into her work.