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Capacity Building Training for the Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER)

Good and Democratic Governance

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is cooperating with the Federal Ministry of Budget and Economic Planning to organize a capacity building workshop for about 45 staff and management of the Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER).

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The establishment of NISER predates the independence of Nigeria and other English speaking countries in West Africa from the British. The West African Institute of Social and Economic Research was established in 1950 in Ibadan and was affiliated with the University of Ibadan. Upon independence, Ghana in 1957 and later other British West-African countries pulled out of the institute and when Nigeria attained independence in 1960, the name of the institute was changed to Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER). It was saddled from inception with the responsibility of providing economic and social ideas that will help the colonial and Nigerian governments to formulate good policies.


This training for the Management, Research and Non-Research Staff of NISER will cover areas which bother on leadership, management and communications. The topics to be discussed include Social Cohesion, Public Policy and Sustainable Economic Growth: The Role of NISER; Project Costing and Budget Preparation; The Role of Performance Management System in Successional Planning and Mentoring in the Public Service; Strategic Communication: Processes and Procedures; Time Planning and Management; Team Building in the Workplace; Leadership, Work Ethics and Values in the Public Service; and, NISER Case Study – Group Exercise: Common Negative Workplace Attitudes in the Public Service – Ways Towards a More Output- and Service-Driven Approach.


The resource persons will include Dr. Olusoji Adeniyi (Lead Consultant, Primetrainers Africa Ltd), Dr. Steve Ogidan mni. (CEO, Successory Nig. Ltd), Prof. Abiodun Adeniyi (Professor of Communication, Baze Uni.), Judith Ogedegbe (Executive Director Development Alternatives Incorporated (DAI)) and Emeka Okengwu (International Business & Project Development Consultant, Ant Hill Concepts Limited).



The seminar is part of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s support to democracy, rule of law and good governance in Nigeria.

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