Fight Against Corruption - The Role of the Legislature - Foundation Office Nigeria
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Fight Against Corruption - The Role of the Legislature
Promoting Democratic and Good Governance
The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in partnership with National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS) are organizing a 2-day capacity building workshop for all the Members of the Committee on Anti-Corruption.
The expectations that the African Union Convention on Preventing and Combatting Corruption (AUCPCC) which was adopted by the African Union Assembly in 2003 on the fight against corruption has so far not been met and Nigeria being the biggest nation in Africa is burdened with the effects of corrupt practices such as money laundering, embezzlement, peaceful co-existence of citizens and economic development of the nation. In order to strengthen and intensify the efforts of the legislature towards fighting corruption, KAS will be inviting seasoned stakeholders and resource persons to meet with the members of the committee to discuss and offer their expert views, opinions and recommendations on ways the legislature can achieve their aims. Amongst topics to be presented are: Leadership, Integrity and the War against Corruption; Avoiding Banana Peels: Handling Conflict of Interest in Public Service; Fighting Corruption: Citizens Action and Understanding Typical Corruption Schemes in the Public Sector; Fighting together, Winning Together: Creating Partnership and Synergy between the Legislature and National Anti-Corruption Agencies; Nigeria's National Anti-Corruption and Integrity Framework; Overlapping Mandate of Anti-Corruption Agencies; The Various Anti-Corruption Laws: How effective (ICPC Act, CCB & CCT Act) ?; and Synergy between the National Assembly and the Civil Society in fighting Corruption. The seminar is part of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s support to democracy, rule of law and good governance in Nigeria.