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Training for Trainers in Katsina Training College of the Nigerian Security and Defence Corps (NSCDC)

Lecturers of the Nigerian Security and Civil Defence Corps (NSCDC) training college were trained on new materials for enhancing their lectures on civic education themes and peace and conflict issues.

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The training was conducted from October 12 - 16 , 2015 at the NSCDC Training Academy in Katsina.

KAS and NSCDC agreed to train lecturers at NSCDC academies on new Training Manuals in Fundamentals of Democracy, Rule of Law and Constitutionalism, Human Rights, Fundamental Principles in Democratic Policing, Law Enforcement as a Public Service, Values and Ethics, Corruption as well as Understanding Peace and Conflict, Conflict Analysis, Conflict Management, Communication and Peacebuilding. Part of the Training was also Media Relations, and the Country Director of KAS put emphasis on the aspect of the awareness of being a citizen in uniform with the special responsibility to behave as a role model for citizens and not to forget that a security enforcement officer is first and foremost also a citizen.

The training was a full success and KAS promised the NSCDC lecturers that more training and backstopping on methodic approaches and facilitation will be given to them.

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Katsina, Nigeria


  • Hildegard Behrendt-Kigozi
    • Dr. Naomi Akpan-Ita

      Hildegard Behrendt-Kigozi

      Group picture Kas-Büro, Abuja
      High-ranking guests of the workshop Kas-Büro, Abuja
      Participants of the workshop Kas-Büro, Abuja
      Group work Kas-Büro, Abuja

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