Study and information programme
In Nigeria, the KAS advises selected state parliaments with a polished and several years' concept.
As the consultation is obviously appreciated, the parliament of Plateau State in the centre of Nigeria has asked the resident commissioner of the KAS, Dr. Klaus Pähler, to organize a study trip to Germany, which will be completely paid by the parliament.
About 30 representatives, including the whole chairmanship and directory of the parliament, will be in Germany from 24th of September until 09th of October, 2008. This trip has been prepared by a retreat on which the representatives got to know the main facts about the political and economic structure of Germany, the expectations of investors on the quality of locations (infrastructure, etc.) and the current economic relations between Germany and Nigeria.
The main topic for this journey is “Social Market Economy as a developed example at the state level”. They will visit Ludwigsburg, Stuttgart, Bad Aibling, Rosenheim, Munich (with monitoring the elections), Dresden and Berlin.
The program contains a varied mixture of informative meetings and practical experiences.
The aim is to give the representatives suggestions for their own polity and to obtain measures for what can be achieved by good governance, good education, etc., even without plenty of natural resources.
In the centre of attention are mainly the sectors:
- economic development at the country level – public administration and good governance – alternative energy – commercial production and the creation of jobs – education and vocational training – agriculture and – development of the country for touristic purposes.
One highlight will be the monitoring of the elections in Bavaria. The participation in the final rally of the CSU with Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel and minister-president Beckstein, the monitoring of the voting and the vote counting in different polling stations, a discussion with candidates and the participation in the election party at the Munich parliament are provided.
The Plateau State Parliament has formed particular commissions on some topics to work out polity initiatives from their experiences made in Germany.
These will be discussed at a retreat in November, in which other parliaments which are counseled by the KAS also take part. In this way, a transfer of knowledge shall be made possible. On demand, these measures will be completed by the use of short-time-experts on selected topics.
Two parliaments have already stated their interest in doing such a study trip with the KAS next year.
The concept has been worked out by the KAS-Team in Abuja under supervision of Dr. Klaus Pähler and prepared in cooperation with the KAS-Headquarters.