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Techniques and Methods of Peace Journalism

Sensational Reporting can take Lifes

Mostly, a little step is enough to arouse latent conflicts between ethnics and religions. KAS and JDPC-Ibadan teach journalists techniques of peace journalism to prevent an escalating reporting.

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Everywhere journalists have a big influence in shaping public opinion, in Nigeria this public opinion decides often about being dead or alive. Sometimes, very small occasions are enough to put the explosive mixture of ethnics, religions, "natives and immigrants" on fire.

In the last years hundreds or even more than 1000 people died in such spontaneous violent actions.

Journalists have here a special responsibility. Of course they have to inform truthfully, but they have to have in their minds that headlines can cost life.

KAS, partner JDPC-Ibadan headed by Claus Schrowange and the Nigerian journalists union NUJ impart them the tools of a careful reporting. Some main stresses of the training are a careful research, instead of "hearsay", "conflict analyses" and a "de-escalating reporting". For this training there was worked out an own handbook of "Techniques and Methods of Peace Journalism".

This event is part of a very successful series. This time journalists from south-western states of Nigeria (Onodo, Ekiti, Kogi and Edo) are the participants. There a former KAS scholarship holder just became governor.

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Akure, Ondo State


Dr. habil. Klaus Paehler

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