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Vision Nigeria by KAS – Selected Topics in April 2012

Radio Programme for Political Education

„Democracy – Rule of Law – Prosperity for All“, this is “Vision Nigeria” by KAS. With their interactive radio programmes, KAS informs millions of Nigerians. This is an overview of selected topics in April.

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With one hour “Vision Nigeria” weekly from the locations Abuja, Enugu, Kaduna, and Port Harcourt, a broad spectrum of topics is provided, which always emphasizes long-term development issues and the latest political situation. In April 2012, KAS and partners set the following focus points:

In Enugu with Patrick Enyogai (every Friday, from 1-2 PM on FM Coal City 92.8)

- President Goodluck Jonathan signed recently the Freedom of Information law. Barrister Jude Ugonna discusses on April 13 possible legal and security implications.

- Participation as an imperative for stable democracy and good governance. Dr. Chris Akubuiro highlights on April 20 the importance of civil society in policy processes.

- Nigeria wants to introduce a cashless economy. On April 27, Benedict Osisi analyses implications for rural markets.

In Port Harcourt with Colins Imoh (every Thursday, from 3-4 PM on FM Rivers 99.1)

- Nigeria’s Vision 2020: By the year 2020 the country wants to be one of the 20 largest economies in the world. Is this realistic? On April 5, Andy Nwoye discusses the project with our listeners.

- How can the local population contribute to the socio-economic development of the Niger Delta? Theophilus Nwosu analyses this question on April 12.

- Also with a view to socio-economic development, the focus on April 19 is on rural youth empowerment. Their political interference constitutes an important factor for the future of the country. Guest speaker is the development worker Dr. P. C. Emelue.

- With an amnesty programme for the militants in the Niger Delta, the government to a large extend got to control the violent conflicts then. Meanwhile the militants are raising their voice again. How will the situation develop? Celestine Akpobari and Dr. Ukoha from the University of Port Harcourt evaluate the topic on April 26.

In Kaduna with Yanwaidi E. Zwahu (every Thursday, from 5-6 PM on FM Capital Sound 90.9)

- Dr. Cyril Terseer Nyulakor presents an e-learning centre in Kaduna and discusses possible impacts on present learning models on April 12.

- Universities and Research Institutions at the service of governance. On April 26. Prof. Williams Qurix argues for the importance of current research results in policy making processes.

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Abuja, Enugu, Kaduna and Port Harcourt


Dr. habil. Klaus Paehler

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