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Online seminar

Adenauer’s Legacy: Lessons from Adenauer’s political philosophy and work for the politics of today

What lessons can be made from Adenauer’s experiences of the clash between democracy and totalitarianism? And how did Adenauer’s convictions inspire his post-war political work?

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What lessons can be made from Adenauer’s experiences of the clash between democracy and totalitarianism? And how did Adenauer’s convictions inspire his post-war political work as the first Party Leader of the Christian Democratic Union CDU and the first Chancellor of Western Germany?

What can we learn from Adenauer’s political philosophy and his ideological convictions for the benefit of the fight against totalitarian hegemony today? And might Adenauer’s political work in post-1945 Germany have ramifications for democracy in a future Russia after Putin?

Join us for a live online discussion with Dr. Per Landgren from Civitas and Dr. Michael Borchard from the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) to discuss ideological and political lessons from the Adenauer era for today’s Christian democratic and European politics.


The event will be live-streamed on Zoom (register your attendance here) and on the KAS Nordics YouTube channel here.


The event is a cooperation between the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Nordic Countries Project and the Swedish think tank Civitas. Learn more about Civitas work here.
Dr. Per Landgren’s anthology “Kristdemokrati: Människosyn, etik, politik” can be ordered here.

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  • Dr. Per Landgren
    • Associate Member of the History Faculty at the University of Oxford
    • board member of the Swedish think tank Civitas
    • and editor of the recently published Swedish anthology “Kristdemokrati: Människosyn
    • etik
    • politik”.
  • Dr. Michael Borchard
    • Director of the KAS Department of References and Research Services/the Archive for Christian Democratic Policy
    • and Secretary-General of the Forum of Archives and Research on Christian Democracy.

Richard Forsén

Project Coordinator and Research Associate +46 (0) 8 611 7000