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NATO and the Security Architecture in the Baltic Sea Region

The Nordic Countries Project of Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung will be co-hosting a high-level seminar addressing the NATO and its politico-security considerations for the Baltic Sea Region.

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The event will take place on April 24, 2018 in Oslo. Besides Mr. Frank Bakke-Jensen, Minster of Defence of Norway, several politicians and experts from Germany, the Baltic states and the Nordic countries will discuss current security challenges in the Baltic Sea Region.

Since the Baltic states and Nordic countries play a significant role in the security architecture of the region around the Baltic Sea, present and future challenges as well as new security political conditions and its key factors affecting the region will be discussed.

Among others, participants of this seminar will be:

Hans Wallmark, Chairman of the Nordic Council Conservative Group

Dr. Lars Hänsel, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung

Frank Bakke-Jensen, Minister of Defence of Norway

Andris Razans, Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Dr. Viljar Veebel, Baltic Defence College Estonia

Gisela Manderla, Former Member of the Committee for Defence, Deutscher Bundestag

Michael Tetzschner, Deputy Chairman of the Nordic Council Conservative Group

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Oslo, Norway


  • Hans Wallmark
    • Dr. Lars Hänsel
      • Frank Bakke-Jensen (tbc)
        • Andris Razans
          • Dr. Viljar Veebel
            • Gisela Manderla
              • Michael Tetzschner


                NATO and the Security Architecture in the Baltic Sea Region: Seminar über sicherheitspolitische Herausforderungen in der Ostseeregion
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                Kai Gläser

                Kai Gläser

                Senior Policy Advisor

       +32 2 66931-52 +32 2 66931-62

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