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The award for high school participation “НајГЛАСни!„

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation and the Association Leaders for Education, Activism and Development with the support of the Union of High School Students, as active supporters and promoters of student participation over the past years, are introducing the award for high school participation, in recognition of the activity and work of these student bodies aimed at improving the position of students in their schools, as well as their involvement in the school processes.

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The award for high school participation will be presented annually to student communities that demonstrate active engagement and commitment to promoting school democracy. Through the award for high school participation, we want to give our incentive and contribution to the high school participation in our country, but also to recognize, reward and support the positive examples in the performance of high school students.

Within this call, 3 high school communities will be selected, which, in the past period, contributed to the high school participation in their schools with their activities, and which have a plan and vision for the period to come.

Contestants can apply for the award electronically by filling out the application at the following links: (in Macedonian language) (in Albanian language).

The application must be completed in full and in detail together with the accompanying documents required in it. It must be completed by the student(s) and the supervising teacher, who are part of the management of the high school student community within the school. The application deadline is 20 February 2022.


Each awarded school community will receive a certificate of recognition, a plaque and a banner with the award, as well as the logo and name of their student community. The three student communities, in addition to the recognition, will receive financial support in the amount of 10,000 MKD for the realisation of an activity within their school by the end of the school year 2021/2022. In addition, they will receive guidance and mentoring from the LEAD, the KAS and the Union of High School Students of the Republic of North Macedonia (SSRSM) on how to improve their work and how to implement the imagined activity/initiative.

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Daniel Braun

Daniel Braun

Head of Office in North Macedonia and Kosovo +389 (2) 3217075 +389 (2) 3217076

Sandra Koljackova

Ansprechpartner Mazedonien

Programme Manager +389 2 3217 075


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