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Census 2021: Reflecting the multiethnic and multi-religious character of the society

by Vladimir Bozinovski, Marjan Nikolovski
The Konrad Adenauer Foundation together with the Institute for Political Research - Skopje and the internet portal, conducted a new public opinion poll within the project "Republic of North Macedonia as a multi-confessional society".

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Given that the public opinion polls conducted under this project are one of the few that gave a picture of the religious map in the country, the census after 20 years was one of the targets of this survey.

The research was prepared, before and during the publication of the results, and conducted almost two weeks after the publication of the census results, in order to obtain a clearer and more realistic picture, without possible media influences on the results of the respondents.

The research is divided into three parts, which intertwine questions that should reflect the citizens' perception of the census, the results, as well as the influences on the decision of those who participated or did not participate in the census.

Although the primary goal of the research is religious affiliation, as a parallel with the census results, the research still includes questions about the opinions of citizens about the entire census process, which is the first such research, after the publication of the results, that gives a picture and assessment of citizens about the census and their opinion on the reliability and possible influences on the census process.

From the answers to these cross-examination questions, the research shows a complex picture of how the census was conducted, and probably provides an answer to some of the reasons why the census results give a different picture from what the public considers a religious reality in the country.

This research, first dedicated to the census, is also an excellent analysis that the relevant state institutions will be able to use to see which issues are vulnerable and how they can be prevented.

Also, this research is extremely important for the religious communities themselves, so that they can recognize, if and where is the possible omission in the communication between: Religious community - believers - state institutions.

The research was conducted by telephone on a representative sample of 1114 respondents older than 18 years. The marginal error is between +/- 3.2% with a 95% confidence interval.

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Daniel Braun

Daniel Braun

Head of Office in North Macedonia and Kosovo +389 (2) 3217075 +389 (2) 3217076

Robert Janev

Ansprechpartner Mazedonien

Programme Manager +389 2 3217 075
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May 10, 2022
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