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Enhancing capacities of youth wings of political parties


The Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) and the offices of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) in Skopje, will organize three-day training on “Enhancing capacities of youth wings of political parties” which will take place from 23 – 25 September, 2022 in Ohrid.

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Enhancing capacities of youth wings

The implementation of this training is closely related to the mission and vision of RYCO, aligned with the expertise and the goals of FES and KAS in the field, and aims to encourage active cooperation among youth as a base for further local and regional development. The participants of the training will be representatives from the youth organizations of the political parties which have MPs in the Club on Youth Affairs and Policies of the Assembly.  

During the opening session of the training, welcoming address will be delivered by Vladimir Gjorgjevski, Head of the Local Branch Office of Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO); Rene Schlee, Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Resident Representative for Kosovo and North Macedonia and Daniel Braun, Official Representative of Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Office North Macedonia and Kosovo.

Furthermore, during the second day of the training, three workshops will be held by the area experts who will cover the modules of online communication, no-hate speech, basics of debating, public speaking and war propaganda and infodemic as a threat and challenge to local and regional security.

The third day of the training will be dedicated to a panel discussion with the members of the Club on Youth Affairs and Policies of the Assembly, where participants will gain first-hand experience on youth participation and cooperation in the decision-making processes.     

Key take-aways of the training:

Training on Online communication and no-hate speech.

Professional basics of debating and public speaking.

War propaganda and infodemic as a threat and challenge to local and regional security.

Working language of the training: English, Macedonian and Albanian with simultaneous translation

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Enhancing capacities of youth wings of political parties: Training
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Daniel Braun

Daniel Braun

Head of Office in North Macedonia and Kosovo +389 (2) 3217075 +389 (2) 3217076

Davor Pasoski

Ansprechpartner Mazedonien

Programme Manager +389 2 3217 075