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Short evening meetings exclusively for current KAS-scholarship-holders

Starting from September 2010, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is organizing short evening events exclusively for current KAS-scholarship-holders.

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Starting from September 2010, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung is organizing short evening events exclusively for current KAS-scholarship-holders. The first meeting be this September in the KAS-premises. Starting from then, every monthly meeting will look at the profession of one of the KAS-alumni in politics, civil society and business. They will share with the KAS-current fellows their own working experiences by presenting their duties in their field of work and give a frank evaluation of the overall situation in their respective field of expertise. By exchanging views and open debates we offer our fellows the opportunity to get a unique insight into the work of important institutions and companies in Macedonia.

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Arben Xhelili

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