The event was opened with welcoming addresses by Daniel Braun, Official representative of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation and Boban Mitevski, President of the Association of Professors of Ethics in Religions.
At the panel discussion, Aleksandar Spasenovski, Associate professor at the Faculty of Law "Iustinianus Primus" - Skopje and Darijan Sotirovski, Director of the Commission for relations with religious communities and religious groups, had their views on the need and experience of the subject Ethics in Religions in primary education. The discussion was moderated by Efimija Zajkovska, co-founder and coordinator of the Association of professors of Ethics in religions.
In the second part of the program, Perica Sardzoski, Director of teaching at Pegasus ELS, presented digital tools that can be used by teachers in order to increase interaction and improve the quality of teaching.
The attendees of the event emphasized that by studying the subject of Ethics in Religions, the students get to know not only their own but also the religion of their peers, and this especially contributes to greater cohesiveness in society. Therefore, it is of particular importance in a society that is multi-ethnic and multi-religious, to preserve and improve the status of the subject in the educational system.
This event was organized in close cooperation with the Association of Professors of Ethics in Religions "Enlightenment" and teachers of the subject of Ethics in Religions from primary schools where teaching takes place in Macedonian and Albanian language took part.