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IMAGO / Xinhua

Country reports

The Beijing Declaration: Palestinian truce or Chinese PR stunt?

An initial assessment of the Beijing Declaration between Hamas and Fatah, its background and possible implications

Palestinian factions, including rivals Hamas and Fatah, declared their willingness in Beijing in July to “end divisions and strengthen Palestinian unity” following reconciliation talks hosted by China in the latest attempt to resolve the long-standing Palestinian rivalry. Similar agreements have failed in the past, damping the prospects of success. Nevertheless, bringing together 14 Palestinian factions to agree on a common framework during times of war can be considered a diplomatic achievement – not least for the host of the mediations, the People’s Republic of China.

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The full-lenght publication is only available in German.



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Simon Engelkes

Simon Engelkes

Head of the Ramallah office +972 2 240 4305 +972 2 240 4307


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