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Camp David Revisited: Insights and Implications for the Current Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung cordially invites you to attend the conference "Camp David Revisited: Insights and Implications for the Current Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process".

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The Camp David Summit in 2000 was a defining event in the history of Palestinian-Israeli relations. Ten years after the failure to reach a comprehensive solution to the hundred year-old conflict between the Jewish and Arab communities in the Holy Land, Palestinians and Israelis have not yet come as close again to reach an agreement as they had in Camp David 2000/Taba 2001. Since then, the region has been shaken by the Second Intifada and has witnessed several fruitless attempts to achieve a comprehensive peace. In light of the renewed negotiation, the conference aims at examining the mistakes made in the past and discussing the chances of the current peace process.

The discussions will feature high-ranking members of the former negotiation teams as well as current Israeli and Palestinian decision makers such as Ahmad Qureia (Abu Ala), Efraim Sneh, Nabil Shaath, Pnini Meidan and Yasser Abed Rabo.

The conference is organized jointly with the Israel-Palestine Center for Research and Information (IPCRI) and part of a cooperation project of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung with the German Development Agency (DED) on historical narratives in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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Konstanze von Gehlen

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