Religion is until today an important aspect of the Middle East's social fabric. All too often, the religious and cofessional diversity of the region is being instrumentalized for political gains while disregarding growing societal cleavages as a consequence of these policies. How does the Christian minority maneuvering in such an environment? How does it engage politically, which political perspectives are given and what migration ternds can be observed? These topics will be discussed by and with Dr. Mitri Raheb, lutheran pastor from Bethlehm and one of the most renowned Palestinian theologist who engages since decades for dialogue and exchange. Further speakers are Marc frings, director of the KAS office Palestinian Territories and Dr. Otmar Oehring, coordinator for international religious dialogue of the Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation.
18:00 Introduction
Thomas Birringer, Team Leader Middle East and North Africa , Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.
18:10 Current political situation in the Palestinian Territories
Marc Frings, Director of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V. office in the Palestinian Territories, Ramallah
18.20 About the Situation of Christians in the Holy Land: Political Engagement, Economic Perspectives and Migration Trends
Dr. Mitri Raheb, lutheran pastor, founder and director of the Dar al-Kalima University College of Arts and Culture, Bethlehem
18:40 Commentary
Dr. Otmar Oehring, coordinator for international religious dialogue, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.
18:45 Discussion
19:30 Reception