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The Knesset Elections and the Palestinians

The Israeli parliamentarian elections will be held on April 9, 2019. Although the elections are particularly important to Israeli citizens, they are widely followed by Palestinians in the Occupied Territories. Many Palestinians believe these elections can greatly impact their livelihoods as a general rejection of the two-state solution and the intensification of the settlement project were recurring topics around the election campaign. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Ramallah invited Dahlia Scheindlin, a political analyst and a public opinion expert and Abed Abu Shehada, a political activist from Jaffa, to discuss the Israeli Knesset elections and the possible impacts on Palestinians, both the citizens of Israel and those in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

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KAS Ramallah Office
Tawfiq Zayyad St. 3,
Al Bireh/ Ramallah
Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde



  • Dahlia Scheindlin
    • Abed Abu Shehada


      The Knesset Elections and the Palestinians: A Roundtable Discussion on the Knesset Elections and the possible impact on Palestinians.
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      Fee Brinkmann

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