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Event reports

“Electoral Law and Political Participation”

Roundtable Meeting in Nablus

The Palestinian Initiative for the Promotion of Global Dialogue and Democracy (MIFTAH) in cooperation with the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, in the framework of enhancing the rule of the civil society in the legislative process project, held a round table meeting in Nablus on October 14th, 2009.

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The event was attended by many lawyers, researchers and Palestinian Legislative Council Members as well as National Council Members from Nablus District and surroundings areas. All agreed on the importance of expanding the area of community participation in the development and amendment of laws and legislation and called on civil society organizations to exercise pressure in order to achieve a multi-party parliament, in any future election.

The meeting was widely covered by the local media TV, the printed media, as well as on the National Satellite Chanel.

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