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Event reports

Visitors group from Thueringen in Ramallah

In the framework of an educational journey to Israel, a visitors group of the centre for political education of the Federal State Thueringen participated in a seminar taking place in East Jerusalem and Ramallah, organized by the KAS Representative Office Ramallah.

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Among the group were deputies of the Parliament of the Federal State of Thueringen and teachers who showed a genuine interest in the political situation in general as well as in the Palestinian educational and cultural policy.

During a visit to Schmidt Girls’ College in East Jerusalem, a German school for Muslims and Christians, the participants got acquainted with the particularities of the Palestinian school system and the intercultural and interreligious teaching at Schmidt College.

Afterwards, Mr Jamil Salem, Researcher & Program Manager at the Institute of Law at Birzeit University, gave a lecture on the academic education in Palestine, the Palestinian legal system and projects accomplished in cooperation with the KAS with regard to education and training, legal policies and economic law.

Thomas Birringer, Resident Representative to the Palestinian Autonomous Territories, provided an insight into the current situation in the Westbank and the Gaza strip. Moreover, he gave details about the aims and the work of the KAS Ramallah, especially concerning political education and empowering democracy.

Following Thomas Birringer’s presentation, Phillip Holzapfel, political officer of the German Representative Office Ramallah, elucidated the peace process and its development while paying special attention to the contribution of the German Federal Republic and the European Union to the establishment of democratic structure for a future Palestinian state.

Finally, the participants were briefed by Mrs Muzna Shihabi, Communication Advisor of the Negotiation Support Unit to the PLO, about the Palestinian view on the peace process with Israel and the aims of the PLO in its negotiations with Israel, which subsequently have been discussed critically by the participants.

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