Event reports
MIFTAH is a Palestinian NGO which seeks to promote the principles of democracy and good governance within the Palestinian society. MIFTAH’s Media Monitoring Unit project, which is funded by Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Ramallah (KAS), trains young prospective journalists who work towards a Palestinian media discourse which is both, professional and conductive to peace and stability. In addition, the Media Monitoring Unit project aims to raise awareness amongst the media students concerning the scope of media and its role as watchdog within spaces of democracy.
The publishing of the newspaper “Ra’yon Akhar” was a first practical implementation of what was theoretically acquired by the students during preceding workshops. The paper covers prevailing social and political topics from the stakes of online dating up to the debate on honor killings. Senior journalists were attending the presentation and engaged into thorough discussions with the students on possible enhancements to improve performance and reach as well as contributions still due to the Palestinian media landscape.