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KAS Philippines 60th Anniversary Celebration

As we recently honored the recipients of the Konrad Adenauer Medal of Excellence (KAME) last Tuesday, February 6, we feel both pride and joy. This award symbolizes the embodiment of values and principles that have guided us at KAS Philippines through six decades of impactful presence in the country. We continue moving forward, focusing on the horizon with optimism and determination.

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The future holds endless possibilities, and with our dedicated partners, we are committed to paving the way for a hopeful Philippines. Our pillars of youth empowerment, inclusive economic development, security & innovation, and good local governance, are more relevant than ever as we navigate the challenges and opportunities of the times.

Let’s not dwell too much on what has been, but rather use our history as a foundation to build upon. Together with our current and future partners, we forge ahead, contributing to a society where everyone thrives.

Here’s to looking forward with hope, joining forces to realize our collective dream of a safe, inclusive, and prosperous Philippines.

To access pictures of the event, go to: (PIN 2167).

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