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Online seminar

25 years later: How do young people perceive the Barcelona Process

Online Seminar, 10 December 2020

Within the framework of the 25th anniversary of the Barcelona process, the Regional Program Political Dialogue South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, in partnership with the Union for the Mediterranean, organizes a 90-minute online meeting to discuss youth perceptions on the Barcelona Process. The event aims as well at highlighting some ongoing initiatives that are implemented under the umbrella of the UfM. This virtual meeting will bring together young speakers from both shores of the Mediterranean.

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It is often stated that the history of the Euro-Mediterranean region has been shaped by exchanges and interaction between nations and cultures across the Mediterranean Sea. And with over 60% of its population under the age of 30, the Euro-Mediterranean is one of the youngest regions in the world, which makes young people crucial to the future of this historical cooperation.

In 1995, initially 27 partners agreed to provide a framework for strengthened dialogue and comprehensive cooperation in the Mediterranean region which resulted in the Barcelona Process. Commonly known as the Union for the Mediterranean, this process has been an opportunity to make relations more operational and achievable throughout regional and sub-regional projects with relevance for those living in the region. The initiatives have been addressing areas such as economy, environment, energy, health, migration, education and social affairs. When it comes to challenges facing youth in the region, the Barcelona Process stressed that "youth exchanges should be the means to prepare future generations for a closer cooperation between the Euro-Mediterranean partners. A Euro-Mediterranean youth exchange cooperation programme should therefore be established based on experience acquired in Europe and taking account of the partners' needs”. At the same time, with an average of 30% youth unemployment, the Euro-Mediterranean region has among the highest rates of youth unemployment worldwide.

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To learn more about the Barcelona Process and its history, please read our background paper "25 years of the Barcelona Process", elaborated by Pr Saner Kasmi, a professor at the EUROMED University of Fes, Morocco:

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Download the agenda: 25 Years later concept note .pdf

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Riadh Dziri