Expert panel
Tuesday, 06. February 2018 (Tunis)
10:30 Welcoming remarks and introduction
Dr. Canan Atilgan and Dr. Christina Krause
10:45 Quo vadis Libya: The tale of a collapsing country
Dr. Christian Buck, Ambassador, German Embassy to Libya
12:15 Migration via the Mediterranean: Facts, figures, and trends
Othman Belbeisi, Chief of Mission, IOM Libya
13:45 Lunch
15:45 Rising waters, rising tensions: Sea rescue and border protection forces on the Mediterranean
Ibrahim Younis, Head of Mission for Libya and the Mediterranean Sea, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
Ozan Ağbaş, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, MSF
17:30 Human smuggling and border management
Friedrich Schwindt, Organized Crime Adviser, EUBAM Libya
19:30 Dinner with input on the migration debate in Tunisia by Dr. Holger Dix, KAS Country Office Tunisia/Algeria
Wednesday, 07. February 2018 (Tunis)
09:00 Extraterritorial asylum procedures and the responsibility to protect
Nisreen Rubaian, Assistant Representative (Protection), UNHCR Libya and
Julian Pack, Reporting Officer / External Relations, UNHCR Libya
10:30 A rough neighborhood: Tunisia’s challenges in the region
Samir Labidi, Former Tunisian Minister, Former Ambassador / Nidaa Tounes
12:00 No refugee in detention: Human rights violations in Libya
Matilda Bogner, Head of Human Rights, Transitional Justice and Rule of Law Division, UNSMIL
13:00 Peace and state building in Libya: An end to the crisis?
Rula Awwad, Senior Political Affairs Officer, UNSMIL
13:45 Lunch with Bettina Muscheidt, Head of EU Delegation to Libya
16:00 Walk through Sidi Bou Said
Travel to Rome
Thursday, 08. February 2018 (Rome)
09:00 Italy: From a country of transit to a country of destination - Measures taken by the Italian government to face challenges of migration
Mario Morcone, Prefect, Italian Ministry of Interior Affairs
10:30 Overview and Assessment of migration movements
Ambassador Stefano Ronca, General Secretary for Foreign Affairs, Sovereign Order of Malta
11:15 Humanitarian activity for migrants and refugees
Marianna Balfour, Diplomatic Public Affairs and Press, Sovereign Order of Malta
Followed by a short visit of the gardens of the Villa
12:30 Community of Sant’Egidio: The role of the civil society organizations in the context of reception and integration; A safe route to Europe: Humanitarian corridors
Cesare Zucconi, General Secretary, Community of Sant’Egidio
13:45 Lunch
15:30 SPRAR: Best-practice example of reception and integration
Daniela Di Capua, Director, Servizio Centrale of the Protection System for Asylum Seekers and Refugees
17:00 International cooperation of the German Federal Police, particularly in the Mediterranean
Nico Scholz, German Liaison Officer of the German Federal Police
18:00 Challenges of the German Federal Authority for Migration and Refugees
Annika Schmidt, German Liaison Officer at the Italian Ministry of Interior, Rome
19:30 Dinner
Friday, 09. February 2018 (Rome)
09:30 The EU’s policies towards Africa: From bilateral agreements to joint strategies: Reducing illegal migration, concepts for legal migration and partnerships with countries of origin and transit
Paolo Crudele, Deputy General Director for Italian Citizens Abroad and Migration Policies, Principal Director for Migration Issues and Visas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy
Cons. Fernando Pallini Oneto di S. Lorenzo, Deputy Head of the Unit for Analysis, Planning and Historic Diplomatic Documentation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy
Cons. Federico Ciattaglia, Head of Office III of the Directorate-General for the European Union, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Italy
11:00 EU Solidarity with Italy as a Frontline State - The Relocation Programme and the Reform of the "Dublin" System
Christopher Hein, Expert on migration
13:15 Lunch
15:00 Conclusion and Feedback