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Drifting Apart: Transatlantic Relations in the Middle East

Expert workshop and meeting of the Mediterranean Advisory Group on transatlantic relations in the Middle East

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The transatlantic relations are not going through a smooth period. There seem to be more divergences than convergences in a number of issues. One of the areas where deep disconnects plague current transatlantic cooperation is Middle East policy. While there is a common transatlantic understanding of the main threats to peace and stability in the MENA region, differences mark the approaches towards issues such as the nuclear deal with Iran. The expert workshop aims to address common threats and to develop new ways to cooperate.

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Drifting Apart? Transatlantic Relations in the Middle East: Meditarranean Dialogue Series 18
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Drifting Apart: Transatlantic Relations in the Middle East: Mediterranean Advisory Group
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Dr. Canan Atilgan

Portrait von Dr. Canan Atilgan

Head of International Office United Kingdom and Ireland +44 (0)20 7834 4119

Simon Engelkes

Simon Engelkes

Head of the Ramallah office +972 2 240 4305 +972 2 240 4307