Under the framework of the 4th Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) high-level conference “Women Build Inclusive Societies” that will take place from 10-11 October 2018 in Lisbon, Portugal, the Regional Program South Mediterranean of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is co-organizing, in partnership with UfM, a Euro-Mediterranean Youth Forum on Shaping the Digital Future. The UfM conference constitutes one of the major regional platforms to discuss and exchange experiences on promoting gender equality and women’s participation in political, economic and civil life in the Euro-Mediterranean region.
After the success of last year’s youth forum co-organized by KAS and UfM, the Euro-Mediterranean Youth Forum 2018 aims to provide young participants, coming from Europe and the Mediterranean region, with a platform to present and discuss their experiences, visions and ideas, and innovative practices with regards to the digital transformation. The overall objective of the forum is to provide recommendations to the UfM Women Conference’s participants on how youth can become engaged in shaping our digital future.
The youth forum’s participants will have the opportunity to attend the UfM Women Conference 2018 and present their recommendations to the conference participants on 11 October. The forum’s results and final recommendations will be published in the conference report.
Monday, October 8
Arrival of participants
Tuesday, October 9
Location: Room Coimbra
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Dr. Canan Atilgan, Director, KAS Regional Program South Mediterranean, Tunis
Mr. Abdelkader El Khissassi, Expert, Social and Civil Affairs Division, Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), Barcelona
Chances, Risks & Consequences for Youth in a Digitized World
Juri Schnöller, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Cosmonauts & Kings, Berlin
Coffee Break
Bit by Bit: How Politics Keeps up with Digital Transformation
Tobias Wangermann, Head of Team, Digitalization, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, Berlin
Moderated by Dr. Wilhelm Hofmeister, Director, KAS Office Spain/Portugal, Madrid
Panel: Digital Civil Society: Innovative Practices and Visions
Presentations by selected participants
Thinking and Prototyping Labs: Drafting Recommendations
Visioning – Ideating/Prototyping – Formulating
Juri Schnöller, Co-Founder and Managing Director, Cosmonauts & Kings, Berlin
- Lab 1: No Women, No Web: Digital Tools for Women’s Inclusion
- Lab 2: Reinventing Entrepreneurship: Youth-led Startups and Innovation
- Lab 3: High School Digital: Technology and Education
- Lab 4: Economy of Tomorrow: Digital Opportunities for Youth
Presentation of Group Recommendations
Lab 1, 2, 3, and 4
Spokesperson Election
Lab 1, 2, 3, and 4
Opening of Photo Exposition
“Powerful Women: Breaking Stereotypes in the Euro-Mediterranean Region”
Location: Auditorium Hall
Networking Dinner
Location: Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown
Wednesday, October 10
08:00 – 18:15
Participation in the UfM Women Conference 2018 “Women Build Inclusive Societies”
13:00 – 14:30
Follow-up Meeting: Final Text Adoption
Location: Room Coimbra
Dinner at Picadeiro Real de Belém
Thursday, October 11
09:00 – 14:00
Participation in the UfM Women Conference 2018 “Women Build Inclusive Societies”
09:30 – 11:00
Presentation of Youth Forum Recommendations:
Tomorrow’s Change Makers – Youth for Women’s Empowerment