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The Mediterranean Women Digital Summit

MED Women for Social Innovation

The Mediterranean Women Digital Summit is a yearly platform for outstanding women activists and entrepreneurs leading the digital transformation of their countries’ economies and societies. After a successful first edition, the organizers seek to extend the experience with a second event with a particular attention paid to social innovation. Hosting activists, social entrepreneurs as well as academics from countries of the southern Mediterranean region, the Mediterranean Women Digital Summit aims at providing a platform to explore the opportunities digitalization offers to women empowerment. This year, participants will share innovative ideas that are social both in their means and ends. The objective here is to develop a reflection on how to contribute through social innovations to a more sustainable and inclusive development in the Southern Mediterranean respecting various fields from access to education, to healthcare, or running business. The target outcome of the summit is to create a network of inspired women and enable them with knowledge and experiences from other success stories. With the opportunities that the digital economy offers to them, those leading women will be better equipped to contribute through social innovations to a more sustainable and inclusive development in the Southern Mediterranean.

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Women, Digitalization and Social Innovation?
Digitalization, automation and Artificial Intelligence are deeply transforming countries, societies and communities, with impact on economic, social and political structures. While these developments pose challenges they offer at the same time new opportunities. For instance, on an economic perspective, while most sectors have always been structured around traditional values, hence a lack of women participation, the emerging of a dynamic ICT sector in the MENA region has moved the lines at a very promising extent and gives hope for greater inclusiveness. The use of digital platforms is providing women with greater access to markets, knowledge and more flexible working arrangements. These can result in higher female employment rates in the digital economy than in traditional industries: in the United States, the proportion of female drivers is higher for Uber than for traditional taxis . Faced with such an encouraging trend, the KAS Regional Program South Mediterranean is definitely determined to highlight and address the opportunities the ICT industry represents for the regional development.

Although digitalization offers great opportunities to reduce the main bottlenecks in terms of gender disparities, it is also important that no one is left behind from a broader perspective. Indeed, while we consider that a digital solution must be an innovative idea by being more effective than existing solutions; its main added value must first benefit the entire community without creating collateral damage to the benefit of a particular group. It is in this sense that the KAS Regional Program South Mediterranean aims to focus on social innovations by stressing the point on the social dimension of entrepreneurship.

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Tunis, Tunesien


Amine Ben Naceur

Amine Ben Naceur

Project Coordinator +216 70 029 460 +216 71 962 381