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Tunisia's National Cyber Defense Strategy

Expert workshop on the formulation of Tunisia's national cyber defense strategy

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The speed of technological change and the growing dependence on cyberspace - in the political, military and economic spheres - make countries more vulnerable to cyber risks. In recent years, cyber-attacks on states have increased in their number, intensity and sophistication. They are directed against government systems, information infrastructures, command and control systems, and computerized defense systems of the armed forces. The field of cyber defense has thus become an indispensable component for national security and defense.

It is against this backdrop that the Tunisian government is in the process of strengthening its cyber defense capacities and designing a comprehensive national cyber defense strategy. The KAS Regional Program South Mediterranean is supporting these efforts through a series of expert workshops on relevant components of cyber defense strategies in order to foster the exchange of experiences and best practices.

The first expert workshop of the series brings together representatives of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of National Defense, the Ministry of Communication Technologies and Digital Economy, the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the Ministry of Industry. The workshop aims to elaborate the key components for a national cyber defense strategy for Tunisia and the coordination mechanisms between the different actors at the national level.

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Tunis, Tunisia


Dr. Canan Atilgan

Dr. Canan Atilgan

Head of International Office United Kingdom and Ireland +44 (0)20 7834 4119

Veronika Ertl

Veronika Ertl bild

Head of the Regional Program Energy Security and Climate Change Middle East and North Africa +212 537 6704 13-10