Specialist conference
Tuesday, May 5
Dr. Hab. Urszula Paprocka Piotrowska, Prof. KUL, Vice-Rector for Promotion and International Cooperation, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin
Dr. Władysław Bułhak, Deputy Director of Public Education Office, Institute of National Remembrance
Falk Altenberger, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung
Chair: Dr. Władysław Bułhak
Part I: Christian Democratic traditions in 20th -Century Western Europe
Keynote speaker
Prof. Wolfram Kaiser, Researching Christian Democracy in Twentieth Century Europe
Prof. Patrick Pasture, Catholics between Fatherland and European Neo-Christendom
Prof. Antonio Varsori, Italian Christian Democrats: forty years of European Commitment from De Gasperi to Andreotti
Chair: Prof. Wolfram Kaiser
Dr. Tiziana Di Maio, Konrad Adenauer and Alcide de Gasperi
Anna Radwan, Robert Schuman
Fr. Prof. Wiesław Bar, Significance of the beatification processes of Robert Schuman and Alcide de Gasperi for Europe
Chair: Prof. Dr. Hanns Jürgen Küsters
Dr. Thomas Gronier, Historical aspects of cooperation between Christian Democratic parties in Europe after the Second World War
Stanisław Gebhardt, The Case of the Christian Democratic Union of Central Europe (CDUCE)
Dr. hab. Beata Kosowska-Gąstoł, Christian Democratic Parties’ cooperation in the European Union
Dr. Godfried Kwanten, Christian Democratic cooperation between East and West after 1990: perspectives for research and recently opened archives
17:30-19:00 University Library, John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Chopina Street 27, Lublin
Transfer of Jerzy Kulczycki’s materials to the University Library
Roundtable Discussion on Memoirs of Jerzy Kulczycki, prepared for publication by the Institute of National Remembrance
Chair: Andrzej Paluchowski
Participants: Ryszard Kulczycki, Dr. Małgorzata Choma-Jusińska
Testimonies: Stanisław Gebhardt
Wednesday, May 6
Chair: Dr. Sławomir Łukasiewicz
Part II: Polish experience of Christian Democracy
Dr. hab. Jarosław Rabiński, The Elimination of Christian Democracy in Poland after WWII
Prof. Idesbald Goddeeris, Polish Christian Democratic exiles in Belgium
Dr. Paweł Ziętara, Contacts between Christian Democrats in exile and in Poland
Prof. Piotr H. Kosicki, Polish Christian Democracy and the Cold War
Chair: Prof. Piotr H. Kosicki
Prof. Leszek Jesień, Jan Kułakowski and Christian trade unions
Dr. Sławomir Łukasiewicz, Stanisław Grocholski – Catholic and European
Dr. Artur Kubaj, Władysław Siła-Nowicki: toward a rebirth of Christian Democracy in the Polish People’s Republic
Prof. Aleks Szczerbiak, Why is there no Christian Democracy in contemporary Poland?
Panel discussion: Christian Democracy in the contemporary EU and in Central European perspective
Chair: Ambassador Andrzej Jaroszyński
Participants: Prof. Marek Cichocki, Dr. Ján Čarnogurský, Prof. Dr. Georg Milbradt
Author of the project: Dr. Sławomir Łukasiewicz (IPN Lublin/Institute of European Studies KUL), slawomir.lukasiewicz@ipn.gov.pl, lukaslaw@kul.pl
Consultation: Prof. Piotr H. Kosicki (University of Maryland)
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Languages of the conference: Polish and English. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided