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Specialist conference

Creating Greater Synergies Among the EU Countries: A New Perspective for Visegrad Countries

Jean Monnet Chair of European Integration & World Economy Research Institute Collegium of World Economy, Warsaw School of Economics (SGH), Poland and Konrad-Adenauer Foundation are organizing a conference.

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Creating Greater Synergies Among the EU Countries: A New Perspective for Visegrad Countries

Conference is open to the general public. All interested persons are welcome!

On 1 May 2014 we will celebrate the tenth anniversary of the EU eastward enlargement. On this occasion, two organizational units of the Warsaw School of Economics: the Jean Monnet Chair of European Integration and World Economy Research Institute are organizing a one day international conference on “Creating Greater Synergies Among the EU Countries: A New Perspective for Visegrad Countries”.

The objectives of the conference are the following:

  • to compare and assess convergence (or divergence) processes among the four Visegrad countries (V4) that joined the EU in 2004 (Poland, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia) and vis-à-vis EU15;
  • to evaluate the role of innovation in the development of Visegrad countries;
  • to discuss the experience of Slovakia with introduction of the euro and prospects of the euro adoption in other Visegrad countries.

Conference Programme

9.30 – 10.00: registration

10.00 – 10.30: welcome addresses

10.30 – 11.00:

Keynote speech: Professor Willem Molle (Erasmus University, Rotterdam), Competitiveness, EMU and Cohesion. Conditions for an Effective post Crisis EU Policy

11.00 – 13.00:

Session I: Economic convergence and cohesion: what is the future?

Chair: Professor Elżbieta Kawecka-Wyrzykowska (Warsaw School of Economics)


Prof. Adam Ambroziak Ph.D. (Warsaw School of Economics)

Prof. Ingeborg Němcová, CSc. (University of Economics, Prague)

Prof. Ryszard Rapacki Ph.D. (Warsaw School of Economics)

Dr Sandor Richter Ph.D. (Vienna Institute for International Comparative Studies)

Dr Krisztina Vida Ph.D. (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

13.45 – 15.30:

Session II: Innovation for Competitiveness in V4 group

Chair: Professor Marzenna Anna Weresa (Warsaw School of Economics)


Dr hab. Arkadiusz Kowalski Ph.D. & Dr Małgorzata Lewandowska Ph.D. (Warsaw School of Economics)

Dr Oto Potluka, Ph.D. & Dr Tomas Ricks, Ph.D. (University of Economics, Prague)

Dr Paula Puskarova, Ph.D. & Prof. Stefan Zajac, Ph.D. (Institute for Economics and Management, University of Economics in Bratislava)

Dr Andrea Szalavetz, Ph.D. (Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

15.45 – 17.30:

Session III: Euro area prospects. Visegrad countries and the euro adoption

Chair: Professor Adam Budnikowski (Warsaw School of Economics)


Prof. Anetta Caplanova, Ph.D. (Univeristy of Economics, Bratislava)

Prof. Dariusz Rosati Ph.D. (Warsaw School of Economics)

Prof. Andre Schmidt, Ph.D. (Private University of Witten/Herdecke, Germany)

During the conference we will present the newest edition of the „Poland Competitiveness Report 2014: A Decade in the European Union”. The book aims to determine Poland’s competitive position in the European Union 10 years after the country’s entry into the bloc. The cross-country comparison is conducted in both quantitative and qualitative terms, which allows the authors to forecast future trends and indicate some policy priorities.

Official Webseite of the Conference

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Warsaw School of Economics, auditorium VII, main building


Falk Altenberger

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Project coordinator, Accounting, Organisation +48 22 845-9333

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Fundusz Wyszehradzki