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Deutsch-Polnisches Barometer 2016

Präsentation der Studie

Institute of Public Affairs, Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Warsaw and Bertelsmann Stiftung invite to a presentation Polish-German Barometer 2016 How Poles and Germans perceive each other and mutual relations 25 years after signing the Treaty.

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Polish-German Barometer 2016 How Poles and Germans perceive each other and mutual relations 25 years after signing the Treaty

On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Polish-German Treaty of Good Neighborhood and Friendly Cooperation

Registration from 9.00

The Treaty laid down rules for many fields of cooperation and started a historical change in Polish-German relations. These relations, however, seem to be perceived more coolly than just a year ago. Is this only a change in rhetorics, and on the highest political level, or has it spread throughout other Polish-German ties and networks?

To measure the atmosphere in relations on the civic level the Institute of Public Affairs together with the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Warsaw and the Bertelsmann Stiftung, Germany, again conducted a Polish-German perception study among both societies, the ”Polish-German Barometer”. In both countries we asked questions we have already asked since 2000, so an observation of the dynamics of change is possible. Two days before the visit of Polish President Andrzej Duda to Berlin and German President Joachim Gauck to Warsaw and one week before the Polish-German government consultations we will present what both societies think:

  • Do Poles and Germans perceive the Polish government as a credible partner in the European Union?
  • How do Poles and Germans assess Polish-German relations and which problems do they see?
  • Are, in the German opinion, the Poles a “nation of thieves” and the Germans for Poles “nation of aggressors”?
  • What do Germans think about the state of democracy in Poland?
  • Would a German accept a Pole as his/her boss and would a Pole have anything against a German as a member of his/her city Council?
  • How would Poles describe the “typical German” and vice versa?

The study results and their relevance for the development of mutual relations will be commented and reflected on.


Dr. Jacek Kucharczyk, President of the Board, Institute of Public Affairs

Dr. Christian Schmitz, Director, Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland

Presentation and commentary

Dr. Jacek Kucharczyk, President of the Board, Institute of Public Affairs

Dr. Agnieszka Łada, Head of the European Programme, Institute of Public Affairs

Gabriele Schoeler, Senior Project Manager, Programme “Europe’s Future“, Bertelsmann Stiftung

Conference languages: Polish and English with simultaneous translation.

The presentation is a part of the regular Polish-German Barometer study

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