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European Citizens´ Consultations

Making your voice heard

Polish edition of the project organized by the Partners Poland Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Warsaw

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About the project

Europe needs to engage with its citizens more than ever before. The European Citizens’ Consultations

provide the first-ever opportunity for members of the public from all 25 Member States to debate the

future of the European Union across the boundaries of geography and language. Citizens exchange

opinions, develop together their ideas on the future direction of Europe, and communicate their

perspectives to policy-makers. Simultaneous and interlinked events across Europe allow every citizen

to make his or her voice heard. The consultations and their follow-up aim at inspiring both European

and national institutions and decision-makers as they prepare to take decisions on the next phase of

Europe’s development. The process is funded and organised by an independent consortium of

foundations and non-profit organisations from all over Europe and led by the King Baudouin

Foundation. It is co-sponsored by the European Commission’s communication strategy “Plan D”.

Objectives and participants

The consultations and their follow-up go beyond most European communication initiatives. The

citizens of Europe are at the centre of the project: Reflecting and representing the diversity of the

entire EU population, they engage into an authentic and exciting European dialogue. They are chosen

at random whilst making sure that different age groups, genders, and socio-economic backgrounds are

represented. Further criteria are added as appropriate in each country. During the deliberations, the

participants can draw back on experts if needed, but it is them who set the agenda of the debates,

identify common ground and formulate recommendations to policy-makers. Without requiring any

special knowledge or language capabilities, they exchange expectations, hopes, and concerns across

boundaries and cultures. Innovative dialogue design, modern technology, and simultaneous

interpretation into all official languages of the EU overcome the typical barriers to effective participation

– ensuring that each citizen can make his or her voice heard. The consultations will create a truly

European discussion, bringing citizens from all Member States together to deliberate and linking

simultaneous national debates on a shared agenda of broad ideas and visions set by the citizens


For more information on the Polish edition of the project click here.

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u.a. Prof. Władysław Bartoszewski

Stephan Georg Raabe

Stefan Georg Raabe

Head of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Office in Sarajevo +387 33 215 240
European Citizens´ Consultations