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Online seminar

European Union in a transition period. Debate on the future of secure Europe

The Konrad Adenauer Foundation, together with its partners, hosts an online seminar with international experts on EU foreign policy and new concepts of its security. The event will be held in English.

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The aim of the project is to identify a Europe-wide discourse on the role and place of the European Union in the world during the search for a new paradigm of its external policy. The reference point will be a debate on the specificity and the factors shaping the emerging international identity of the European Union in international relations particularly in times of COVID-19 pandemic.

Furthermore, the objective of the project is discussion of the challenges facing currently the European Union, such as security threats in the immediate neighbourhood, divisions within the EU, relations with the United States, China as well as the crisis of European values and its impact on the future of the EU. The role of the EU in fighting a pandemic COVID 19. The second part of the seminar relates to the possible directions of evolution of the European identity, as well as indicate in which conceptual categories the EU’s is understand in international relations.

Participation in the project will bring together experts, researchers, representatives of the EU institutions from Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Germany and France.


Organisers: John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin KUL, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw UKSW, Konrad Adenauer Foundation Warsaw, Foundation Collegium Interethnicum Warsaw


Co-Organisers:  Team Europe, Association for Education and International Research ERIA, Research Network on European Identity, PTSE.


Under the auspicies of the

European Commission Representation Office in Poland



Live streaming on Facebook:



12:00-13:00, Debate on the future of secure Europe


Maciej Popowski, Deputy Director General, EU Neighborhood & Enlargement, European Commission, Brussels

Edouard Gaudot, EuropaNova, Paris/Brussels

Salvadore Llaudes, Co-Chair, Observatory on the EU, IE Transatlantic Relations Initative, Madrid


Piotr Maciej Kaczyński, Centre for International Relations / Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Warsaw

13:00-14:00, Roundtable on the transformation of value-based identity of the EU


Assoc. Prof. Laura Herta, Babeş-Bolyai University Cluj- Napoca Romania

Assoc. Prof. Adrian-Gabriel Corpadean, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj- Napoca, Romania

Assoc. Prof. Beata Piskorska, Institute of Political Science and Public Administration KUL

Assoc. Prof. Anna Skolimowska, Institute of Political Science UKSW


Piotr Maciej Kaczyński, Centre for International Relations / Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) Warsaw

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Dr. Piotr Womela

Piotr Womela bild

Project coordinator +48 22 845-9332

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Stefan-Kardinal-Wyszynski-Universität in Warschau (UKSW)