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In a (not)secure network. Is social media become an instrument for conducting a modern warfare?

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Poland, Foundation Institute for Strategic Studies as well as Economic University in Cracow invite cordially to an expert seminar.

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Social media has permanently changed the way people communicate in most areas of their activity. Their impact on the world today is of interest to different specialists. The seminar will focus on their impact and role in today’s crisis, such as internal conflicts (including coups, armed rebellions), international (including open armed conflict, hybrid warfare) and supranational (eg terrorism). Referring to the current examples (including the use of social media in the propaganda of ISIS, a failed coup in Turkey) participants will attempt to answer the question of their possible use to build lasting peace and security. The subject of discussion will be the European Parliament resolution. The resolution stresses that the EU needs to counter disinformation campaigns and propaganda from countries, such as Russia, and non-state actors, like Daesh. The document recommends, among others, strengthening of the EU Task Force for strategic communications and means of dissemination of knowledge and the formation of ability to use social media.

Dr hab. Andrzej Nowosad – Director of the Communication and Social Media Studies, Jagiellonian University

Antoni Wierzejski – Analyst in The Centre for International Relations, Warsaw

Katarzyna Lorenc – Institute of Journalism, Media and Social Communication, Jagiellonian University

Facilitator: Anna Szymańska-Klich – President of the Board Foundation Institute for Strategic Studies

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Falk Altenberger

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Project coordinator, Accounting, Organisation +48 22 845-9333

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