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Lukashenka's stress test against the EU

Revisiting strategies, sanctions and the situation at the European border

The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Poland invites highly distinguished scientific experts, politicians and media representatives from Poland, Germany and Austria to a hybrid debate, which is non-public and will take place at the Foreign office of KAS in Warsaw (international guests will join the meeting online via Zoom). The discussion will be held on 8 December 2021 and focus on the evaluation of security policy, humanitarian and legal aspects. The aim of the workshop is to discuss the complex, rapidly progressing developments and to share different positions and perspectives.

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Over the past weeks, thousands of migrants and refugees have been trying to cross the EU's external borders from Belarus to Poland and the Baltic states. The EU criticises the authoritarian Belarusian regime for deliberately flying people from areas in crisis to Minsk in order to channel them into the EU and thus destabilise the situation in the West. Poland has responded by declaring a state of emergency in the border region and erecting barbed wire fences to stop the migrants.

With the onset of winter, migrants now face life-threatening misery and have to choose between staying at the border or being sent back, while at the same time Russia is increasing its military presence on the border with Ukraine. Politicians and diplomats from Europe and the US are trying to find a way out of this crisis in talks with the rulers in Minsk and Moscow.

Which solution can be found for this highly complex geopolitical conflict? What is the balance between questions of state sovereignty, the right to asylum and the humanitarian treatment of refugees? What is the domestic policy approach to the conflict over migrants seeking to enter the European Union?

Highly distinguished scientific experts, politicians and media representatives from Poland, Germany and Austria will be invited to a debate, which is non-public and will take place in the office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Poland. The discussion will focus on the evaluation of security policy, humanitarian and legal aspects. The aim of the workshop is to discuss the complex, rapidly progressing developments and to share different positions and perspectives.



Lukashenka's stress test against the EU

Revisiting strategies, sanctions and the situation at the European border

Hybrid (non-public) Workshop / Wednesday, 08.12.2021


10.15 am – 10.30 am

Registration of participants


10.30 am – 10.35 am


  • David Gregosz, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Poland, Director


10.35 am - 10.45 am

Keynote-Speech / â€˜The border conflict and its security implications’

  • Dr. Agnieszka Legucka, The Polish Institute of International Affairs, Analyst


10.45 am - 10.55 am

Commentary  / ‘The humanitarian and legal dimension of the crisis at the border’

  • Dr. Maciej Duszczyk, University of Warsaw, Member of the Scientific Council of the Centre of Migration Research


10.55 am - 12.55 pm

Roundtable Discussion / â€˜Geostrategic challenges as part of the conflict at the European border’

Kick-off speakers:

  • Gerald Knaus, European Stability Initiative, founding Chairman
  • Dr. Astrid Sahm, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik, Visiting Fellow, Research Division Eastern Europe and Eurasia

Moderator: Bartosz T. WieliƄski, Gazeta Wyborcza, Head of the foreign department


12.55 pm - 01.00 pm


  • David Gregosz, KAS Poland


01.15 pm - 02.15 pm

Lunch / networking (optional) /  Restaurant: „Mokolove”, ul. RĂłĆŒana 14, 02-548 Warszawa


The workshop will be held in English. Due to current travel challenges, international guests will join the debate online via Zoom. 

The organisation is provided by the Foreign Office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in Poland.

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  • Dr. Agnieszka Legucka
    • Dr. Maciej Duszczyk
      • Gerald Knaus
        • Dr. Astrid Sahm
          • Bartosz T. WieliƄski

            David Gregosz

            David Gregosz

            Director KAS office Poland

   +48 22 845-9330

            Thomas Behrens


            Projektmitarbeiter Social Media

   +48 606 542 601

            Asset Publisher