Specialist conference
he main objective of the EUMIGRO project within the framework of cooperation of the Warsaw School of Economics withe the Konrad Adenauer Foundation is an inclusive, open, multilevel, multi-sectoral, interdisciplinary and intergenerational academic discussion and popularization of reliable and up-to-date knowledge in the field of migration, asylum, borders, refugee and integration related issues in European context. The scope of the project covers the situation in the EU and its member states concerning the issues connected with contemporary international migration and asylum, as well as related policies at the EU and country levels (migration policy, asylum policy, integration policy, etc.). In recent years the interest in migrations, their trends, patterns, determinants, multidimensional causes and consequences has been on the rise, especially in connection with the migration and refugee crises in the Mediterranean region. Both the causes and the consequences of the current crisis situation in Europe are multidimensional – social, economic, political, cultural and institutional. At the Warsaw School of Economics – the most esteemed economic university in Poland – the issues of migration and asylum and other related topics – are still underestimated and underrepresented in teaching, research and other scientific activities, therefore it an important niche to develop. Consequently, the project EUMIGRO aims at:
1) dissemination of reliable academic knowledge about the issues of migration, asylum and integration in Europe / the EU in a holistic, innovative and multidimensional way, using open and free of charge events addressed to diverse groups of recipients, including students and other young people and anyone interested in the subject of the project,
2) equipping students and young people with knowledge on topics related to the project issues, relevant to their academic and professional life, and increasing their civic competences.
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