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Specialist conference

The Consequences of Membership in the EU for new Member States

structural, political and economic changes

Chair of Public International and European Law, Faculty of Law, Administration and Economics, University of Wrocław, Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Poland and Regional Chamber of Legal Advisors Wrocław have the pleasure to invite to the conference.

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The Consequences of Membership in the EU for new Member States – structural, political and economic changes.


I session: Political Changes


Prof dr hab. Krzysztof Wójtowicz (University of Wrocław)– Changes in the Polish Constitution after the Accession to the European Union

Prof Regina Valutyte (Mycolas Romeris University, Lithuania) - State liability for neglecting EU law: legal, political and economic shortcomings to new member states.

Dr Adriana Kalicka - Mikołajczyk (University of Wrocław) - Mobility Partnership – New instrument of Cooperation between the EU and Neighbouring Countries within the European Neighbouring Policy

Prof. Dr hab. Ivan Halasz PhD (National University of Public Service, Faculty of Public Administration - Research Center for Social Sciences of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.) - The Influence of the EU accession on the concept of political community in the Visegrad countries.

16.30-16.45 Coffee break


Dr hab Barbara Mielnik, prof. UWr (University of Wrocław)– EU Citizenship – Polish Perspective

Petr Navratil (Charles University, Prague) - The impact of the accession of the Czech Republic to the EU on the judicial protection granted to individuals

Dr Maciej Lis (University of Wrocław, Director of the Office of the filed plenipontentiary of Human Rights Defender in Wrocław) – Cooperation between Ombudsman from Eastern Partnership Countries (in Polish Practice)

Dr Bianca Victoria Dabu (University of Pitesti Romania) - Harassment at Work - The Impact of European Legislation on Romanian Legal System



II session – Economic Changes


Dr Aleksander Cieśliński (University of Wrocław, legal advisor), Challenges of EU membership - "Polish" cases before ECJ/CJEU - an attempt to summarize.

Wojciech Pożoga (PhD Candidate, legal advisor, Warsaw)- Competitive neutrality of internal market in EU versus tax sovereignty of new members. The obligation of the repayment taxes taken contrary to European Union law as the golden mean in practice of business transactions.

Dr Marcin Dudarski (legal advisor, Partner JP Weber) - The impact of economic and legal environment in the EU on providing legal advice in Poland.

Prof. Virginijus Bite (Mycolas Romeris University, Lithuania) – Impact of EU membership to regulation of Lithuanian close companies: enrichment or legal irritants?

Prof. Andrea Draghici and Prof. Daniela Iancu (University of Pitesti Romania) - Car Pollution Tax in Romania and the Compatibility with the EU Legislation

Dr Justyna Bazylińska - Nagler (University of Wrocław) - New Member States & the EU cross-border medical healthcare


11.00-11.15 Coffee break

III session – Structural changes


Dr Maja Kozłowska (University of Opole)– The aspects of the EU regional Policy in New Members States

Bartłomiej Ostrowski (Director of Unit for International Cooperation and Projects, Marshal's Office of Lower Silesia)-The Consequences of Membership in the EU for New Member States – the case of Lower Silesia.

Dr Daniel Wacinkiewicz (University of Szczecin) - Szczecin's international and cross-border cooperation as a element of shaping the economic, cultural and social development of the city.

Frank Gotzman (Director of the Municipality in Gartz nach Oder) - Practical aspects of the transborder German – Polish cooperation after Polish accession to the EU- a German perspective

Rafał Kuligowski (International Co-ordinator Department Mayor City of Slupsk and Menager Europe Direct Center Information - Slupsk) - The City of Slupsk after 10 years of Polish membership in the European Union.


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Falk Altenberger

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