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Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue on Sustainability and Digital Cooperation

Implications of Technological Advancement for SDGs

Digital technologies are transforming our ways of living in every sphere. Since 2018, the United Nations is closely examining how digital cooperation can contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The core question is, how digital advancement can facilitate the debate on sustainability. KAS RECAP will invite key stakeholders in the local sustainability field in Hong Kong to discuss the key findings of the UN's report on the implications of digitalization for human development.

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The workshop aims to explore pathways to connect the challenges of a sustainable development with digital cooperation. The framework of the workshop is based on the recommendations of a recently published report of the UN Secretary-General´s high level Panel on Digital Cooperation: “The age of digital interdependence” The workshop is part of a series of multi-stakeholder events on digital cooperation and governance coordinated by our UN office in New York. As digital cooperation in the report faces various dimension of sustainability KAS-RECAP concentrates to climate change and clean energy. The objective of the workshop is to facilitate a debate between stakeholders from different disciplines and give further recommendations. This is a closed event, if you would like to attend please get in touch with the Project Coordinator Felisa Falcon. 

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Felisa Falcon

Felisa Falcon

Project Coordinator +852 2882 2849 +852 2882 8515


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