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We mourn the loss of our Honorary Chairman Prof. Dr Bernhard Vogel

The former Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate and Thuringia died at the age of 92.

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Artificial intelligence in Latin America

For the Konrad Adenauer Foundation it is a distinguished honor to be able to place in your hands a new research work, in which we expand the capacity to surprise ourselves. Includin...

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The Role of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation in Promoting Education for Sustainability Worldwide

Supporting sustainability education in developing countries is consistent with several of KAS's goals and a key theme of the 2030 Agenda.

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Diálogo Político

Panama Elections: Further Fragmentation and a Divided Society

The electoral night has left Panamanian society divided. One-third of the voters are filled with hope while the vast majority are worried about the future. Independents emerged as a...

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Country report

Elections in Panama: The new president is José Mulino

Realzando Metas party candidate wins with over 34 percent

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SALMA Dialogue Conference

Petri led the opening of the second day of SALMA Dialogue conferences, a forum that promotes cooperat...

The Minister of Defense, Luis Petri, led the opening of the second day of the SALMA Dialogue, an internationally relevant event that brought together prominent participants from Eur...

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Our regional program "Alliances for Democracy and Development with Latin America (ADELA)" builds bridges between Latin America and the other continents to exchange ideas and solutions to global challenges such as security, free trade, digitalization, multilateral cooperation, and collaboration.
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Media library

Conferencia Digital ADELA

The Digital Transformation of Transnational Crime

Campaña Sumarse - Pacto Global Panamá

Campaign #ActionsThatAddMore - Stakeholders

Conferencia Digital ADELA

Disinformation, Fake News and the Global Pandemic

Conferencia Digital ADELA Panamá

Social Sciences facing Covid-19 in Panama

Campaña Sumarse - Pacto Global Panamá

Campaign #ActionsThatAddMore - Gender

Campaña Sumarse - Pacto Global Panamá

Campaign #ActionsThatAddMore - Environmental Responsibility

Campaña Sumarse - Pacto Global Panamá

Campaign #AccionesQueSumanMás - Partnerships

Digital Conference ADELA Panama

The Role of the Panama Canal in the Pandemic

Digital Conference ADELA

Towards a new society? Pope Francis' encyclical "Fratelli Tutti".

Digital Conference ADELA

Post-pandemic economic recovery: e-commerce and digital commerce in Latin America and the Caribbean

Digital Conference ADELA

The role of the European Union in the convergence between MERCOSUR and the Pacific Alliance

Digital Conference ADELA

Strong Cities: The importance of public policies

Conferencia Digital ADELA

International Trade and the Circular Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean

Conferencia Digital ADELA Panama

Citizen participation in local governments

Conferencia Digital ADELA Panama

Citizen participation in local governments

Conferencia Digital ADELA

Information Technology during the pandemic in Latin America

Conferencia Digital ADELA

Strong Cities : The Future of Urban Mobility

Conferencia Digital ADELA

The human factor in port logistics chains in Latin America

Conferencia Digital ADELA Panama

Local Development Boards and their relevance to social progress in Panama

Conferencia Digital ADELA

Pacific Alliance, MERCOSUR and the European Union: A Market-Based Analysis

Conferencia Digital ADELA

Strong cities - Health in the cities of the future

Conferencia Digital ADELA

Convergence between the Pacific Alliance and MERCOSUR in Trade Facilitation

Conferencia Digital ADELA

The importance of Think Tanks in the face of the pandemic

Conferencia Digital ADELA Panama

The Impacts of the Pandemic on the Indigenous Peoples of Latin America and Panama

Conferencia Digital ADELA

Strong Cities: How to design our future cities?

Conferencia Digital ADELA Panama

Violence against women and the pandemic in Panama

Conferencia Digital ADELA

Pacific Alliance, MERCOSUR and the European Union: How can they cooperate?

Conferencia Digital ADELA Panama

The Economic Impacts of Covid-19 in Panama

Conferencia Digital ADELA

The digital transformation of transnational crime

Conferencia Digital ADELA

Big Data and electoral campaigns in Latin America

Conferencia Digital ADELA Panamá

Social impacts of Covid-19 in Panama

Conferencia Digital ADELA Panamá

Panamanian Politics during COVID-19

Conferencia Digital ADELA

The socio-economic effects of COVID-19 in Latin America

Conferencia Digital ADELA

Pandemic Management: Which model wins?

Pandemic Management: Which model wins?

Digital Conference ADELA

Management of Pandemics: Which Model Wins?

Conferencia Digital ADELA

50th Anniversary of Earth Day - Climate Action

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Diálogo Político

Panama Elections: Further Fragmentation and a Divided Society

The electoral night has left Panamanian society divided. One-third of the voters are filled with hope while the vast majority are worried about the future. Independents emerged as an option.

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