Publications - Regional Programme Alliances for Development and Democracy with Latin America
Asset Publisher
Asset Publisher
Artificial Intelligence in Latin America
Technological and digital advancement has evolved various areas of computing, human activities, and industries. It is evident how, over the past few years, exponential disruptive technologies have had direct impacts on global events, both socially and productively.
July 26, 2022
Single title
El Programa Regional ADELA y la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Bogotá evalúan el futuro del multilateralismo y la interacción con los países latinoamericanos
Nota realizada por Albertina Mcnish Frías
(alumna del Diplomado en Periodismo 4.0 impartido por el Instituto de Investigaciones iiafEC durante su período de pasantía en la Konrad Adenauer Stiftung)
January 17, 2022
Single title
Options for convergence between the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur
In trade facilitation
December 21, 2021
Single title
The Human Factor in the Global Supply Chain
COVID-19, dockworkers facing the pandemic
December 21, 2021
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The role of the European Union in the convergence between the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur
The economic development of the Latin American region has had different processes of interaction, both among the countries that make up the territory, as well as among other areas worldwide.
November 1, 2021
Single title
Governance and Export Performance of Modern Services in Latin America and India
La difusión de innovaciones tecnológicas, en su mayoría vinculadas a la Cuarta Revolución Industrial, está transformando la naturaleza de la producción y el comercio. Aunque el comercio mundial de bienes ha experimentado una marcada desaceleración en la última década, nuevas tecnologías como la fabricación aditiva, la inteligencia artificial, las plataformas digitales y la Internet de los objetos han facilitado la producción, transferencia y venta de productos y servicios en todo el mundo.
September 16, 2021
Single title
Concise Atlas of Geneva International 2019/2020
The Evolution of International Geneva on Maps
Building on the key policy areas of Geneva, the "Concise Atlas of International Geneva 2019/2020" highlights the central importance of international Geneva to global developments and multilateralism.
August 17, 2021
Single title
Economic recovery after the COVID-19 pandemic
Enabling Latin America and the Caribbean to better harness the benefits of e-commerce and digital trade
Economic an International Trade Report
May 10, 2021
Multilateralism: Latin American Perspectives
Peace diplomacy and international cooperation in Latin America
This publication is a contribution to promote international cooperation and multilateralism. As the title suggests, it takes stock of the strength with which multilateral thinking and action are historically anchored in certain Latin American countries, the long-term positions that different countries can adopt on this basis, and the policies favored by current governments with respect to multilateral cooperation.
Winfried Weck
February 3, 2021
Single title
Scholarships for Master's or Doctoral studies in Germany
International Scholarship Program - March 28, 2021
The bases for application are:
Estudiantes y doctorandos comprometidos social o políticamente de todas las disciplinas que no tengan más de 30 años y que tengan un conocimiento probado del alemán en el nivel B2 del Marco de Referencia Europeo.