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Event reports

30 young lawyers from Southeast European countries visit Berlin


The KAS Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RLP SEE) continues to support qualified young lawyers from Southeast European countries. In this context, the programme “Leaders for Justice” for young Romanian lawyers was initiated in 2010. This year, a joint group from Republic of Moldova and Romania visited Berlin.

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The delegation of junior lawyers from Southeast Europe

The training efforts of KAS RLP SEE are based on the conviction that in Romania and Republic of Moldova (like in other transitional countries in South East Europe) the development and consolidation of a sustainable democracy can be achieved only if the future leaders of those countries are aware of their - especially ethical - responsibilities and develop a democratic and legal awareness at an early stage. Accordingly, the programme is less about conveying technical knowledge and more about confronting the participants with topics like “humanity as a core value of justice”, “law and moral standards”, “law and justice”, “human rights and modern justice”, “the basic principles of the judicial system and justice”, “principles of professional ethics” etc.

From 9 - 14 September, a group of about 30 young lawyers (attorneys, judges, prosecutors and other legal professionals) went on a KAS organized study visit to Berlin. There, they had meetings with a member of the German parliament, discussions with legal experts in the Ministry of Justice and Consumer Protection, the Federal Bar Association, the German Bar Association, the Constitutional Court of Berlin and other institutions. At the General Prosecutor`s Office, participants heard a detailed presentation on peculiarities of the German system on how to fight corruption. Also, they attended several court hearings both in criminal and in civil matters and had opportunities to exchange experience with German judges.

The Delegation was attended by the Head of KAS Rule of Law Programme South East Europe Hartmut Rank as well as Thomas Maasz and Ioana Petra and was organized by Ingrid Garwels and Carola Fritz from the KAS central office in Berlin.

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Hartmut Rank

Hartmut Rank

Head of the Rule of Law Programme in Latin America +57 601 7430947 ext. 210
The delegation of junior lawyers from Southeast Europe


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The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, its educational institutions, centres and foreign offices, offer several thousand events on various subjects each year. We provide up to date and exclusive reports on selected conferences, events and symposia at In addition to a summary of the contents, you can also find additional material such as pictures, speeches, videos or audio clips.

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