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Book presentation

Presentation of the new book "Parlamentary rights" at the University of Montenegro

The publication "Parlamentary right" which was supported by KAS Rule of Law Programme South East Europe (RLPSEE), was presented to the academic community at the Faculty of Law of the University of Montenegro, Univerzitet Crne Gore,in Podgorica on 12 November. Among the speakers at the presentation were Dr. Srdjan Darmanovic, the Foreign Minister of Montenegro, as well as Prof. Dragan Vukcevic, President of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts. The panel discussion was moderated by Prof. Drazen Cerovic, with the authors, Prof. Marijana Pajvancic and Prof. Miodrag Vokuvic MP presenting their recent publication. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung was represented by the Head of the country office in Montenegro, Mr Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes, as well as the Director of the Rule of Law Programme South East Europe, Hartmut Rank.

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Parlamentarno pravo download

The book is online available in Montenegrin language here.


Publikacija „Parlamentarno pravo“ koju je podržao KAS Program vladavine prava Jugoistočna Evropa predstavljena je akademskoj zajednici na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta Crne Gore, Univerzitet Crne Gore, u Podgorici 12. novembra. Među govornicima na prezentaciji bili su dr Srđan Darmanović, ministar vanjskih poslova Crne Gore, kao i prof. Dragan Vukčević, predsjednik Crnogorske akademije nauka i umjetnosti. Panel diskusiju moderirao je prof. Dražen Cerović, a autori, prof. Marijana Pajvančić i zastupnik prof. Miodrag Vokuvić, predstavili su svoju nedavnu publikaciju. Ova knjiga je dostupna na crnogorskom jeziku ovdje. Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung predstavljali su šef ureda za Crnu Goru, g. Norbert Beckmann-Dierkes, kao i direktor Programa za vladavinu prava jugoistočne Evrope, Hartmut Rank.

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