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7th KAS Alumni Workshop on “A Practical Approach to Advocation for the Rule of Law in Asia: Prospects & Challenges”

On 1st and 2nd November, KAS Rule of Law Programme Asia organized the 7th Alumni Workshop in Seoul. The workshop also brought together distinguished speakers and participants from renowned research and academic institutions in South Korea.

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For this year's workshop, speakers and participants discussed the gap between rule of law policies and practices. They explored topics like ensuring an independent and functioning judiciary and justice system, and promoting elections with integrity and a strong sense of electoral justice. The role of constitutions as 'crisis management tools' and the plague of corruption that persists in many countries in the Asian region proved to be interesting debates.

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Seoul, Korea


Gisela Elsner

Gisela Elsner kas

Global Sustainability Policy Officer and KAS Advice and Complaints Officer +49 30 26996-3759
7th KAS Alumni Workshop on “A Practical Approach to Advocation for the Rule of Law in Asia: Prospects & Challenges”

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