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The Rights Protection of Farmers & Indigenous Peoples In the Process of Development & Utilization of Natural Resources

The Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Rule of Law Programme Asia, in partnership with the College of Law, Cebu University, the Centre for Environmental, Natural Resources & Energy Law at Tsinghua University, China, will be hosting an international workshop.

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The area of focus for this workshop straddles two key areas, that of human rights and environmental protection. Both areas share an important relationship with each other – environmental protection enables the enjoyment of our guaranteed human rights and fundamental liberties, such as the rights to life and health, while human rights can be viewed as essential elements to ensure better environmental decision-making and enforcement. This also relates to the concept of the ‘environmental rule of law’, and the panelists and speakers at this workshop will be basing their discussions on three core issues related to this concept: first, the challenges of enforcing the rule of law in the context of development and natural resource utilization; second, the exploitation of natural resources and the protection of farmers’ rights; third, indigenous peoples’ rights and access to legal remedies and relief. KAS Rule of Law Programme will welcome a diverse group of participants from 10 countries in the Asia-Pacific represented at this workshop, as we seek to share valuable knowledge and expertise at the national, regional and international levels on this issue.

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Cebu, Philippines


Gisela Elsner

Gisela Elsner kas

Global Sustainability Policy Officer and KAS Advice and Complaints Officer +49 30 26996-3759

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