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CANVA Ai Image Generator / Elias Marini-Schäfer

Country Reports

End of Hindu nationalism or return of caste politics?

by Elias Marini Schäfer

Lessons from the Indian parliamentary elections

In the wake of the Indian parliamentary elections, a number of German media outlets saw the Bharatiya Janata Party's (BJP) loss of its parliamentary majority as a victory for democracy and a sign of the Indian population's resistance to Narendra Modi’s Hindu nationalism. Headlines included slogans such as: "India decides against Hindu nationalism and authoritarian tendencies” and “Democracy won instead of Modi”. But did the voters really turn against the Hindutva ideology of the BJP? Has the BJP overplayed its Hindu nationalist card? This article attempts to find answers to these questions and explain why the general election result was much more than a vote against Hindutva and perceived authoritarian tendencies.

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The full-length country report is only available in German.




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Dr. Adrian Haack

Portrait Adrian Haack

Director KAS Office India +91 11 45506834
+91 26113520
+91 11 45506836

Elias Marini Schäfer

Elias Schaefer

Head of Publications and Communications at our office in india +91 11 24113520 / +91 11 45506834 +91 11 45506836


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