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Vecteezy / rgaywala

Country reports

Does South Asia exist?

Taking stock of a notoriously poorly connected region

Indians are aware that they are perceived as part of the continent of Asia. However, although their homeland is in Asia, they have not developed a self-image as Asians. When Indians go out for “Asian” food, they mean Chinese or Japanese cuisine. South Asia is also a foreign term that emerged after the independence of British India. It is a linguistic attempt not to reduce the region that was previously called India to the Republic of India. South Asia is often underestimated as a geographical area in Germany. While many wonder when Africa’s population will reach the 2 billion mark, there are already 2.02 billion people living in South Asia if India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan and the Maldives are added together. But can these countries even be called South Asia? This country report is a reality check for that term.

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The full-lenght publication is only available in German.


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Dr. Adrian Haack

Portrait Adrian Haack

Director KAS Office India +91 11 45506834
+91 26113520
+91 11 45506836


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Media library

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#1: Frederick Richter on the the EU’s GDPR and data protection worldwide

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