Event reports
Konrad Adenauer Stiftung under the aegis of its Rule of Law Program for Sub Saharan Africa held its first meeting for experts on international criminal justice from the French-speaking countries in Nairobi on 18th July 2013.
These experts drawn from Cote D’Ivoire, Benin, Niger and DRC interrogated the progression of international criminal justice from an African perspective by considering a variety of relevant questions inter alia the impact of the ICC on the continent from the perspective of the fight against impunity; justice for victims; impact on peace and stability in societies and countries where the Court is active, the question of complementarity as well as analyzing the recent developments on the continent particularly by the AU in dealing with the international crimes.
The group will subsequently contribute articles on this topic which will be compiled and published by the Foundation.
The members of the group include Prof. Djedjro Meledje, Professor of Law at the University of Cocody Abidjan, Cote D’Ivoire; Prof. Narey Oumarou of the University of Abdou Moumouni, Niamey and a judge of the Constitutional Court, Republic of Niger; Prof. Frédéric Joël AÏVO, Professor of Law at the Université d'Abomey-Calavi, BENIN; Adv. Carine Bapita, International law attorney and expert from DRC and Mr. Eugène Bakama Bope, of the Institute for War and Peace-Congo analyst based in Brussels, Belgium.