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Legal policy, rule of law, constitutional and international law

Legal Policy, Rule of Law, Constitutional and International Law

The free democratic basic order as the basis of our coexistence

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First and foremost, our state is a liberal constitutional state that grants and secures the rights and dignity of its citizens.

Roman Herzog, seventh President of the Federal Republic of Germany

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At a glance

  • Rule of law and democracy are mutually dependent. They are enshrined in the Basic Law as fundamental constitutional principles and form the cornerstones  of our liberal order.
  • Law and politics exist in a relationship of tension. On the one hand, applicable law is the result of political decisions, while in democracies it is the task of the law to limit policy-makers’ scope for action, on the other.
  • Globalisation, digitalisation and processes of transformation in society raise questions about the future of the liberal constitutional state and present it with major challenges.
  • We are developing and promoting ideas on how constitutional principles can also be safeguarded in the future. For us, constitutional law is the foundation and the beating heart of our legal policy work.
  • Abroad, we promote rule-of-law structures, the separation of powers (checks and balances) and an independent judiciary, to name a few, in various project countries through our Rule of Law Programme.



1. Democracy needs the rule of law – and vice versa

2. The tension between law and politics

3. The constitution as the basis of our work

4. Thinking internationally about the rule of law and democracy

5. Our offers and projects on the topic

6. Publications, events and media contributions on the topic


Democracy needs the rule of law – and vice versa

Rule of law and democracy are two of the fundamental constitutional principles enshrined in Article 20 of the German Constitution and pillars of our liberal basic order. Protecting and preserving them is what guides our actions and is of top priority. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s projects at both national and international level advocate for the recognition of democratic principles, their implementation and further development.


The tension between law and politics

The balanced interaction between law and politics is essential for the legitimacy and performance of our state. Here, law and politics have a special relationship with one another: On the one hand, law is the outcome of political decisions, but at the same time law limits and controls the scope of action of politics. It is important to shape this tension in a productive way.


The constitution as the basis of our work

Constitutional law is the basis and core of our legal policy work. We would like to raise awareness about the significance of the Basic Law, and draw attention to conflicts and challenges surrounding the protection of fundamental rights and constitutional principles. Digitalisation and globalisation as well as changing social attitudes raise questions about the future of our liberal constitutional state. The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung provides and promotes ideas on how constitutional principles can be safeguarded and developed in light of this change.

To that end, we accompany legislative processes in all areas of society with analyses and recommendations on reform projects. We provide information about the judiciary, especially about current and fundamental decisions taken by the Federal Constitutional Court. We cultivate and promote exchange among representatives from politics, jurisprudence, the judiciary and society on current legal policy issues.


Thinking internationally about the rule of law and democracy

At the same time, our legal policy work is a reflection of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung’s European and international orientation. The increasing Europeanisation and internationalisation of almost all areas of life present legislators and courts with difficult tasks when making their decisions. Our aim is to promote the interaction between national, European and international law through consultation and exchange of ideas.

Our offers and projects on the topic

Worldwide for the rule of law

Since 1990, the foundation has complemented its international projects for democracy promotion and political dialogue with the global Rule of Law Programme.

International Rule of Law Programme


The goals of the work of our Rule of Law Programme include encouraging and maintaining rule of law structures, advocating for the separation of powers and a strong, independent judiciary, as well as guaranteeing fundamental and human rights. The six regional programmes are located here: Bogotá (Colombia) for Latin America, Singapore for Asia, Nairobi (Kenya) and Dakar (Senegal) for Sub-Saharan Africa (Anglophone and Francophone), Bucharest (Romania) for South-east Europe and Beirut (Lebanon) for the Middle East/North Africa. The global work on rule of law is coordinated from Berlin, with a focus being on global rule of law issues.


Learn more about the Rule of Law Programme

Rule of Law Academy


The Rule of Law as a political and legal commitment contributes profoundly to justice and prosperity in a community. It is a foundation stone for democratic governance and the full enjoyment of individual rights. It is also challenging to define, especially as different communities prioritize different facets of what is a complex concept. Does the Rule of Law require reflexive implementation of positive law, or does it demand appeals to elusive values like equity and dignity? On top of all this, the Rule of Law is fragile. It has blossomed relatively recently in human affairs. And it faces constant threats to its resonance and viability. The autocrats and thugs it disempowers will always seek to undermine or even eradicate the Rule of Law.


Learn more about the Rule of Law Academy


Event series

Key to our work in the field of legal policy are the annual events of the Berliner Rechtspolitische Konferenz (Berlin Legal Policy Conference) and the Berlin Annual Review of decisions taken by the Federal Constitutional Court from the previous year.

Berlin Legal Policy Conference


Once a year, high-ranking representatives from politics, academia and the judiciary come together at the traditional and distinguished Berlin Legal Policy Conference at the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Academy to debate current legal policy issues in controversial panel discussions.


Learn more about the Berlin Legal Policy Conference

Berlin Annual Review


With the Berlin Annual Review, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung has created its own event series dedicated to the German Constitutional Court and its work as the supreme interpreter of the Constitution and guardian of the Basic Law. The main emphasis of this forum are the most important decisions taken by the Karlsruhe Court from last year.


Learn more about the Berlin Annual Review


Podcasts and publication projects

In our podcast "Rule of Law Rules", we look at issues surrounding the rule of law in the era of digitalisation. What is more, the drop-down menu below will provide you with multi-part publication projects on current legal policy issues.

Rule of Law Rules


In 2021, the podcast “Rule of Law Rules” was produced on the annual theme of the Rule of Law Programmes “Rule of Law in the age of digitalization”. Dr Angela Daly interviews international experts on data protection, legal tech and the use of artificial intelligence. The podcast is in English and comprises twelve episodes.


Learn more about the Rule of Law Rules podcast

Contributions to the Debate on Abortion


The Criminal Code consolidates key norms to protect essential legal rights of its citizens, including the protection of life and unborn children. The Federal Constitutional Court regularly emphasizes the constitutional obligation of the state to protect life and physical integrity of its citizens. This is also evident in the current legal regulations under § 218 ff. StGB. The importance of the existing legal compromise should not be underestimated in the context of our democratic society.


Learn more about the contributions to the debate on abortion

Contributions to the Debate on Assisted Suicide as an Act of Business


After the German Constitutional Court declared § 217 of the German Penal Code (StGB), which criminalised the commercial promotion of suicide, to be null and void in February 2020, politics and society now face the question on how to deal with wishes to die and assisted suicide. Read our contributions to the debate on the topic of commercial assisted suicide.


Learn more about the contributions to the debate on assisted suicide

Contributions to the Debate on Triage


With the onset of the pandemic in Spring 2020, the question about how to deal with triage situations has gained frightening relevance. Here you will find a compilation of our legal policy contributions on the issue of triage.


Learn more about contributions to the debate on triage

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Dr. Franziska Rinke

Dr. Franziska Rinke

Rule of Law and International Law +49 30 26996 3507 +49 30 26996 3709

Marie-Sophie Lanig

Portrait von Marie-Sophie Lanig

Law and Policy +49 30 26996 3760
Facts and Findings
indomercy,; Pixabay
March 30, 2022
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Publications, events and media contributions on the topic

Our contributions are as wide-ranging and multifaceted as the topic itself!

Whether it's an expert interview, specialist publication or hot debate - click through and you're guaranteed to find the right format for you!

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Publications on this topic

Source GovernmentZa Flickr (1)

Coal, Power Production and Corruption in South Africa: An Analysis

A report by the Anti-Corruption Coalition (ACC), an initiative of the Centre for Business Ethics (CfBE) at the University of Pretoria's Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS).

Wang Yi, bei seiner Rede an der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz IMAGO / Björn Trotzki

China at the Munich Security Conference

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Justitia vor einer Europa-Flagge IMAGO / Herrmann Agenturfotografie

Rule of law in South-East Europe: Highlights in 2024

A review of developments in South-East Europe over the past year

19.07.2024 Den Haag – Die Jurymitglieder, in der Mitte Präsident Nawaf Salam, vor dem Internationalen Gerichtshof während einer unverbindlichen Entscheidung über die rechtlichen Folgen der israelischen Besetzung des Westjordanlandes und Ostjerusalems. Der IGH tut dies auf Ersuchen der Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen. Lina Selg, ANP, picture alliance.

Crisis of International Law?

A Call for Better Expectation Management

Jürgen Treutler (Alterspräsident, AfD, Alternative für Deutschland) mit Sitzungsglocke, 26.09.2024 IMAGO / foto2press

Between scandals, election successes and court judgements – the AfD in 2024

A retrospective of key developments such as the the European elections, the party convention in Essen and the state elections in Eastern Germany

December Agora Blog ILF

Equal Access to Justice for All: A Fundamental Human Right

Human Rights Day

Stresstest für die innere Sicherheit Deutschlands KALUZA+SCHMID Studio GmbH, Berlin

Stress test for Germany's domestic security

Responses to multiple crises and internationally networked actors

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ESG image top as jpg (1)

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EU Flaggen Adobe Stock / Shutter2U / Generated with AI

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The role and significance of the IBAR as a milestone of European integration for Montenegro and other Southeast European states.

IDS 2024 Proceeding Cover and QR

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Citizen's Manual to Electronic Administrative Court Procedures

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International Day of UN Peacekeepers

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Events on the topic






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Teil 1





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Event Reports on the topic

Event Reports on the topic

Der Berliner Jahresrückblick 2025

Rückblick auf das Karlsruher Gerichtsjahr


Zuwanderung und Zugehörigkeit

Eine Bilanz des 1. Rheingauer Gesprächs zu Staat und Recht an der EBS Universität am 05.12.2024

Schutz der Demokratie – zwischen individueller Freiheit und öffentlicher Sicherheit

18. Berliner Rechtspolitische Konferenz

75 Jahre Grundgesetz – eine Würdigung in Wort und Klang

Feierstunde zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit in Kooperation mit dem Beethovenfest

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Grundgesetz und Pizza

Workshop mit dem Poetry Slamer Nick Pötter


Von der Freiheit und Verantwortung in unserer Demokratie

Bonner Rede 2024

Der Jana Reimann-Grohs/KAS

Der Berliner Jahresrückblick 2024

Rückblick auf die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts

Das Grundgesetz für dich und mich

Grundrechtearena an der Trude-Herr-Gesamtschule in Köln

01_75 Jahre Grundgesetz 148 Geb Konrad Adenauer 96

Jahresauftakt zu 75 Jahre Grundgesetz

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17. Rechtspolitische Konferenz 2023 Jana Reimann-Grohs/KAS

Einwanderungsland Deutschland – Rechtliche Perspektiven im Spannungsfeld der Migrationspolitik

17. Berliner Rechtspolitische Konferenz

Podiumsgäste 2 A B

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VA Rücksicht und Respekt im Fußball-Museum Dortmund

Rücksicht und Respekt auf jeder Ebene der Gesellschaft

Eine Veranstaltung im Deutschen Fußballmuseum

Der Berliner Jahresrückblick 2023 Juliane Liebers

Das Karlsruher Gerichtsjahr 2022

Der Berliner Jahresrückblick auf die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts 2023

Dr. Michael Borchard, Prof. Norbert Lammert, Prof. Hedwig Richter, Prof. Dieter Grimm (v.l.n.r.). KAS/Christiane Stahr

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Kommt die Wirkungsgeschichte der deutschen Verfassung und des Bundesverfassungsgerichts zu kurz?

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Argumente gegen die totalitäre Versuchung

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Rücksicht und Respekt - Wie gehen wir in Zukunft miteinander um?

Ein Abend mit Herbert Reul in Köln-Chorweiler

Rechtspolitische Konferenz 2022 Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung e.V.

Was Europa im Innersten zusammenhält – Konflikte und Reformansätze in der EU

16. Berliner Rechtspolitische Konferenz

Talk im Bahnhof 13.09.2022

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Talk im Bahnhof „Das Bundesverfassungsgericht – Hüter des Grundgesetzes“

Das Karlsruher Gerichtsjahr_2022_1.jpeg @Juliane Liebers, KAS

Das Karlsruher Jubiläumsjahr — 70 Jahre Bundesverfassungsgericht

Der Berliner Jahresrückblick auf die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts 2021


Media library

Erststimme #99: Dr. Felor Badenberg

Anti-Semitism in Germany

We welcome Berlin's Senator for Justice and Consumer Protection, Dr. Felor Badenberg, to the discussion and shed light on the highly topical issue of anti-Semitism in Germany.

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Recording of the Event from 23.1.2024

Are we doing enough? - EU sanctions against Russia - a review

In an interview with Prof. Dr. Viktor Winkler LL.M. (Havard), we take a look at the patchwork of EU sanctions and discuss their effects, benefits and risks.

Erststimme: Norbert Lammert & Antje Boetius

Dein Klima-Politik-Mixtape - Das besondere Verhältnis von Wissenschaft & Politik

Prof. Dr. Norbert Lammert und Prof. Dr. Antje Boetius sind bei uns im Gespräch! Und wie kann es anders sein, sprechen sie über das Verhältnis von Wissenschaft und Politik.

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Norbert Lammert on the 75th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

"Human rights are not laws of nature. [...], they must be protected & defended by people who take the claim to the inviolability of human dignity seriously".

OUTA explainer video

How should Parliament work?

Please enjoy this superb video by our partner organisation OUTA on a) how SA's government works, b) why parliament is failing, c) what parliament should do and d) how to fix SA.

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A Closer Look: The New Tunisian Draft Constitution

A Closer Look: The New Tunisian Draft Constitution

On the 25th July 2022 Tunisia will be voting on a new draft constitution. What can we expect? We asked the experts: Prof. Salsabil Klibi, Saïd Bernabia and Dr. Malte Gaier.

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Berliner Jahresrückblick 2022

Das Karlsruher Jubiläumsjahr (1. Teil)

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung blickt auf die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts 2021. Sehen Sie hier den 1. Teil des Videomitschnitts der gesamten Veranstaltung.

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Berliner Jahresrückblick 2022

Das Karlsruher Jubiläumsjahr (2. Teil)

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung blickt auf die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts 2021. Sehen Sie hier den 2. Teil des Videomitschnitts der gesamten Veranstaltung.

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Berliner Jahresrückblick 2022

Das Karlsruher Jubiläumsjahr (3. Teil)

Die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung blickt auf die Rechtsprechung des Bundesverfassungsgerichts 2021. Sehen Sie hier den 3. Teil des Videomitschnitts der gesamten Veranstaltung.

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Rule of Law Rules Podcast

#12: Ivan Rašić on Legal Technology in Southeast Europe

Rašić works at “Start it smart”, the biggest entrepreneurship club in Bulgaria. Their goal is to spread the entrepreneurship culture and way of thinking among the young people.

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