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Asset Publisher

Romania's Economy Though the Lens of the Draghi Report

Solutions to increase competitiveness and adapt to global development trends

"Something has to change"

Analysis of qualitative research

This research sheds light on the perceptions, frustrations and hopes of Romanian citizens from different regions and provides an insight into the state of the country's political and social landscape.

IMAGO / Russian Look

Presidential elections annulled after hybrid attack

Romania is fighting for democracy on two fronts

Romania is fighting for democracy on two fronts. Firstly, against Russia's hybrid attack on the integrity of the presidential elections. And then on the familiar front against the system of clientelism and corruption, which is supported by forces that continue to prolong the power of the former communist elite. It does not help to ignore one problem in favour of the other. Romania needs a fundamentally different relationship between its institutions, politicians and citizens if it is to become a strong and resilient democracy.

IMAGO / Xinhua

Parliamentary elections in Romania: Majority urgently needed

Majority urgently needed

Just one week after the far-right Călin Georgescu unexpectedly came first in the first round of the Romanian presidential election, Romania's parliamentary elections took place on December 1, 2024. The result is a parliament full of medium-sized and small parties that will be very difficult to bind into a halfway stable government coalition. Since the appointment of the prime minister and the government is the task of the president, political attention is now turning again to the outcome of the presidential election, which is scheduled to take place on December 8.

IMAGO / Xinhua

Romania has voted

A resounding slap in the face for the ruling parties

Completely unexpectedly, the pro-Russian right-wing extremist Călin Georgescu is the first-placed candidate in the run-off election for the Romanian presidency. He is competing against the liberal Elena Lasconi (USR), who narrowly beat the third-placed Social Democrat Marcel Ciolacu (19.15%) with 19.18%. With their vote, Romanian voters have delivered a resounding political slap in the face to the leaders of the current governing coalition (PSD-PNL). With potentially devastating consequences for the country's political future and possible repercussions for European security and the defense capabilities of NATO's eastern flank.

Innerparteiliche Demokratie bei den Wahlen zum Parteivorsitz von CDU und SPD

Über den Einfluss von Regionalkonferenzen und Mitgliederbefragungen auf die Zunahme innerparteilicher Demokratie von konsens- zu wettbewerbsorientierten Verfahren

In vielen westlichen Demokratien erfahren Parteien Demokratisierungsschübe. Deutsche Parteien sind oftmals eher für ihre stabilen Rekrutierungsbedingungen bekannt. CDU als auch SPD haben inzwischen versucht, durch Mitgliederbefragungen und Regionalkonferenzen die Inklusion der Parteimitglieder in Entscheidungsprozesse zu erhöhen. Erste Ergebnisse legen nahe, dass Konsens- gegenüber Wettbewerbsorientierung, Selbstermächtigung und Flügelmobilisierung zunehmen. Beide Instrumente der Beteiligung haben sich also bewährt und können somit zur Befriedung innerparteilicher Konflikte beitragen.

IMAGO / Xinhua

Romania has voted

Cementing the status quo

2024 is also a super election year in Romania. The European and local elections kicked off on June 9, 2024. These showed: the status quo got cemented with the elections. Despite a very high level of political frustration in the country, the major parties in the Romanian ruling coalition managed to secure a clear majority of almost 50% for their joint electoral list in the European elections. The coalition parties also clearly win the local elections. However, it is also clear that the decisive position of power in the country will not be at stake until the presidential elections in September.

Was für einen Staatspräsidenten wünschen sich die Rumänen?

Analyse der qualitativen Forschung des Rumänischen Instituts für Evaluierung und Strategie (IRES) im Auftrag der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung zur Wahrnehmung potenzieller Präsidentschaftskandidaten durch Wähler und Nichtwähler

Freedom of Navigation in the Black Sea Area and the Strategic Significance of the Danube

Does a potential redesign of trade routes make sense, so that the Danube becomes an alternative entry and exit point into and out of the Black Sea?

The Offshore Energy Potential of the Black Sea

There are security challenges in the Black Sea. What can one realistically hope for from natural gas production there?